Home » Udinese Market | Challenge to Sassuolo for Kumbulla: they like him in defence

Udinese Market | Challenge to Sassuolo for Kumbulla: they like him in defence

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Udinese Market |  Challenge to Sassuolo for Kumbulla: they like him in defence

The Albanian central defender is at the top of the list to strengthen the defensive department: the competition from the Emilians must be beaten

Despite Nehuen Perez remaining in defence, Udinese is still looking for a piece to strengthen the rearguard. Among the hot names for a place in Cioffi’s 3-man defense is that of Plums. In fact, as reported by Gianluca Di Marziothe Friulian club would be in contact with Roma to try to unblock the negotiation.

On him, also the Sassuolowho had already made a proposal loan. The player’s will will be decisive, with the Giallorossi willing to let him leave to help him regain playing time and continuity. Things that had been lost with Mourinho after the injury. And even with De Rossi the space would have been the same or even smaller, given the arrival of Huijsen and the imminent return of Smalling.

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January 30 – 5.41pm

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