Home » Understand DPVAT, mandatory insurance whose return was approved by the Chamber

Understand DPVAT, mandatory insurance whose return was approved by the Chamber

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Understand DPVAT, mandatory insurance whose return was approved by the Chamber

The government proposed and the Chamber approved the return of mandatory insurance charges to compensate people who suffer vehicle accidents — previously called DPVAT.

The DPVAT stopped being charged in 2020, during the administration of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL). Since then, the management of the fund that compensates accident victims has passed to Caixa Econômica Federal, which has run out of resources to compensate accident victims.

The bank reported last year that there would only be resources to meet requests relating to accidents that occurred until November 14, 2023. Hence the political impulse to recreate the insurance.

The name is now Mandatory Insurance for the Protection of Traffic Accident Victims (SPVAT), and there are new rules.

The new DPVAT

The project maintains Caixa in the insurance operation and expands the list of covered expenses.

Reimbursement for medical and supplementary assistance was included — such as physiotherapy, medication, orthopedic equipment — as long as it is not available through the Unified Health System (SUS) in the victim’s municipality of residence.

Expenses for funeral services and professional rehabilitation for victims of accidents resulting in partial disability were also added. The compensation amounts will be defined by the National Private Insurance Council (CNSP).

In the previous model, the compensation for death was R$13,500; for permanent disability, up to R$13.5 thousand; and reimbursement for medical expenses was up to R$2,700.

The additions made by parliamentarians should increase the need for revenue. With the original text sent by the government, drivers across the country would have to pay around R$3.5 billion in 2024, according to a preliminary calculation by the Private Insurance Superintendency (Susep).

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The approved text also determines the transfer to municipalities and states, where there is a municipal or metropolitan public transport service, of 35% to 40% of the amount collected from the SPVAT premium.

Insurance coverage is still expected to be extended to victims of traffic accidents that occurred between January 1, 2024 and the date the new law comes into force, after its sanction.

According to preliminary information, there is no exact dimension of the number of compensations that were no longer paid due to lack of resources.


During the vote on this proposal, parliamentarians ended up including an amendment, called jabuti, because it concerns a subject unrelated to the project.

It changes the fiscal framework and allows the opening of supplementary credit of around R$15 billion to be brought forward. This is due to the additional growth in revenue this year compared to the same period last year.

*Published by Danilo Moliterno.


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