Home » Urbi et orbi: Pope warns of “winds of war across Europe”

Urbi et orbi: Pope warns of “winds of war across Europe”

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Urbi et orbi: Pope warns of “winds of war across Europe”

Pope Francis called for humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip this Easter. Guaranteed access is needed, he said in front of 60,000 people in St. Peter’s Square. From the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, he also called for the immediate release of the Hamas hostages and a ceasefire. “War is always an absurdity; war is always a defeat,” the Pope said firmly.

Francis also commented on the war in Ukraine and called for the exchange of all prisoners between Russia and Ukraine. “All in exchange for all,” he said. “Let us not allow ever-increasing winds of war to blow across Europe and the Mediterranean. Let us not succumb to the logic of weapons and rearmament.”

Stricter entry controls

After the Easter message, the head of the church gave the blessing “Urbi et orbi”: to the city of Rome and the world. His speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause from pilgrims in the crowded St. Peter’s Square. Beforehand, the Pope celebrated a mass in a fresh breeze in the square, which was decorated with many flowers. Long queues had formed at the entrances due to comparatively strict entry controls.

Before the Pope went to the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, he took a dip in the cheering crowd in the Popemobile. In his Easter message he then recalled many other wars and conflicts around the world, such as in Syria, Lebanon, the Balkans, Haiti and several African countries. He welcomed the talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan and asked God to comfort the persecuted Rohingya. He also prayed for all people suffering from food insecurity and the effects of climate change.

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Easter is the most important festival of Christianity. Millions of people around the world are remembering Jesus’ resurrection three days after his death on the cross these days. The Holy and Easter celebrations in the Vatican ended with the blessing “Urbi et Orbi” in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday. Since Palm Sunday, the Pope has held six public appointments. He was only absent from the Stations of the Cross procession on Good Friday because of a respiratory illness. (KNA)

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