Home » VIDEO – Léa Salamé, this very daring question to Amanda Lear: “Was Bowie…?”

VIDEO – Léa Salamé, this very daring question to Amanda Lear: “Was Bowie…?”

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VIDEO – Léa Salamé, this very daring question to Amanda Lear: “Was Bowie…?”

The temperature rose a notch on Saturday March 16 on the plateau ofWhat an era! (France 2). Guest on the talk show while she’s back on stage in the roomThe old woman’s money,presented at the Théâtre libre de Paris until May 5, Amanda Lear agreed to return to her love story with singer David Bowie, who died in 2016 from cancer at the age of 69. “We experienced a passion that didn’t last very long, only two years. At first it was very passionate, let’s say it was really a physical, sexual attraction, etc. Afterwards, it becomes tenderness”, revealed the star of the 1980s.

Obviously intrigued by the words of her illustrious guest, the conductor of the program, Léa Salamé, took the liberty of asking her a very daring question: “Excuse me for telling you this, but he’s my favorite singer of all time, I was in love with him when I was 15, but I always said to myself: ‘Was Bowie sexually a good lover?‘” A remark which did not fail to create hilarity on the set. “Everyone is dying to know”, insisted the fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, visibly impatient to discover the answer. Somewhat embarrassed, Amanda Lear finally agreed to respond without mincing her words: “He had better makeup.

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“I really like men who wear makeup”

If Amanda Lear’s response surprised the set ofWhat a time!the 77-year-old artist probably couldn’t have been more serious on the subject. Indeed, on RFM airwaves on Saturday March 16, in the show1 hour with…presented by Bernard Montiel, the one who regularly appears on the radio showThe Big Headson RTL had confided that David Bowie’s colorful makeup did not leave her indifferent: “I really like men who wear makeup. I think it beautifies them.”Amanda Lear thus emphasized that she appreciated men highlighting their eyes with a line of kohl. What about his former companion? “He wore more makeup than me”, assured the singer and actress to our colleagues.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credits: Screenshot France 2

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