Home » Voices from Gaza – The anguish of Ahmad, left isolated from his family: “How can I stay here without knowing if they are still alive?”

Voices from Gaza – The anguish of Ahmad, left isolated from his family: “How can I stay here without knowing if they are still alive?”

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Voices from Gaza – The anguish of Ahmad, left isolated from his family: “How can I stay here without knowing if they are still alive?”

Ahmad is a content creator of Gaza, very active on Instagram e TikTok. Because of the numerous blackout of communications, he also remained completely isolated, unable to reach his family for several days. A video released by Oxfam it tells of the anguish of not being able to contact one’s loved ones and then the relief and joy of meeting them. A fate that has united a large part of the population of the Strip, who have been facing continuous and prolonged interruptions to the internet and telephone networks for three months. “I’m constantly trying to contact my family,” Ahmad says. “AND very difficult stay here and not know if they are still alive or what is happening to him“. After a few days Ahmad was able to see his dad and his sister, albeit for a short time: “It was the most beautiful moment“.

Meanwhile Oxfamalong with others 15 humanitarian organizations among which Amnesty International e Save the Childrenthey launched an appeal to states to “immediately put an end to arms transfers, components and ammunition to Israel and Palestinian armed groups, given the risk that they will be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.” Israel’s bombings and siege, they write in the appeal, “are depriving the civilian population of the Gaza Strip of essential resources to survive and they are rendering uninhabitable the Strip. Currently, the civilian population of Gaza is facing a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented severity and dimension. In turn, attacks carried out by Palestinian armed groups have caused the killing of approximately 1,200 civilians and hostage taking, Israelis and non-Israelis, including children, over 130 of whom are still held inside the Gaza Strip. Gaza’s armed groups continue to fire indiscriminately rockets against Israeli population centers, disrupting school attendance, forcing people from their homes, and threatening the lives and well-being of civilians. Hostage-taking and indiscriminate attacks violate international humanitarian law and must stop immediately.”

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Ahmad’s voice is part of a series of testimonies collected by Oxfam workers and managers in Gaza who ilfattoquotidiano.it decided to publish. The goal is to have a first-person account from civilians in Gaza, those who are currently paying the highest price for the conflict.

THE PETITION – There will be no significant humanitarian response without an immediate ceasefire. This is why Oxfam has launched an urgent appeal to the Italian government and European leaders which can be joined on:

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