Home » War between Israel and Hamas and scenario in Gaza, stay: information, reactions and extra

War between Israel and Hamas and scenario in Gaza, stay: information, reactions and extra

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War between Israel and Hamas and scenario in Gaza, stay: information, reactions and extra

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has taken a controversial stance in limiting Spanish consular powers in Jerusalem, citing considerations over Spanish help for a Palestinian state and referencing the Spanish Inquisition. The transfer to ban the Spanish consulate from offering consular companies to Palestinians within the West Bank follows Spain’s announcement, together with Norway and Ireland, to acknowledge a Palestinian state from May 28.

In a press release, Katz referred to the Spanish Inquisition, a historic workplace related to the torture and displacement of 1000’s of individuals, to underscore Israel’s dedication to sovereignty and safety. He warned in opposition to any help for Hamas or the institution of a Palestinian terrorist state, emphasizing Israel’s independence and refusal to be threatened.

The reference to the Spanish Inquisition harkens again to a darkish interval in Spanish historical past when Jews and Muslims confronted brutal persecution within the early sixteenth century. The expulsion of Jews and stress to transform to Christianity led to the torture, expulsion, and homicide of tens of 1000’s of individuals over the course of 350 years.

Katz’s feedback spotlight the importance of Israel’s sovereignty and the rejection of any actions which may undermine its safety. The transfer to restrict Spanish consular powers displays a posh diplomatic scenario involving historic contexts and up to date political tensions.

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