Home » Watching the Indonesian National Team, Mrs. Ernando Ari: I was nervous, I cried

Watching the Indonesian National Team, Mrs. Ernando Ari: I was nervous, I cried

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Watching the Indonesian National Team, Mrs. Ernando Ari: I was nervous, I cried


The Indonesian U-23 National Team’s progress in the 2024 U-23 Asian Cup stopped in the semifinals after losing 0-2 to their opponent Uzbekistan U-23. This defeat disappointed the fans, including the mother of the Indonesian U23 National Team goalkeeper, Ernando Ari, who was also present at the watch party held at the Central Java Regional Police yard, Monday evening.

Throughout the match, Ernando Ari’s mother, Erna Dwi Lestari (57), admitted that she was nervous.

“I was so nervous when I watched it, my heart stopped, I cried,” when we met him detikJateng after the match, Monday night (29/4/2024).



On that occasion, Ernando’s mother admitted that she was grateful for the support given by the football-loving community to her son and the U-23 Indonesian National Team.

“Thank you to the supporters who have supported the national team until the semifinals, I ask for your support again in the fight for third place,” he continued.

Even though they failed to reach the final, the Indonesian U-23 National Team still has the opportunity to qualify for the Paris Olympics through the match for third place in the 2024 U-23 Asian Cup. Erna also advised that later her son Ernando Ari and his friends would be luckier and their target of going to the Olympics would be achieved.

“There is still a chance, for Nando to keep up his enthusiasm. Hopefully he will have better luck in the race for third place,” he explained.

Watch the video “Indonesia U-23 vs South Korea, Prabowo prays for Garuda Muda to win”
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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