Home » Weather forecast 30-31 January 2024: is it cold on Merla days?

Weather forecast 30-31 January 2024: is it cold on Merla days?

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Weather forecast 30-31 January 2024: is it cold on Merla days?

The last days of January are the Merla days: what do the meteorologists say?

Patrizia Chimera

January 29 – 9.26pm – MILAN

The last three days of January are the Merla days, the days considered the coldest of the year. What do the weather forecasts say for January 30 and 31, 2024? Will temperatures really be as cold as we might expect according to traditional legend?

what are blackbird days

According to tradition, the last days of January are the coldest of the whole year and are defined as “the days of the blackbird” due to a popular story. A white blackbird was proud of its feathers as soft as snow and boasted to everyone. One day she started making fun of January, because its temperatures were mild and spring-like: winter was ending without even a bit of snow or frost.

January got angry and sent a terrible frost in the last three days of the month, on the 29th, 30th and 31st. The blackbird, to find some warmth, took refuge in a lit fireplace, coming out three days later black as pitch , color it will always have.

Weather forecast for the days of the blackbird 2024

This year the blackbird days may not be the coldest of the whole year. Indeed, they could be even too mild, with decidedly anomalous heat for the seasonal averages along the entire peninsula. A high pressure field, in fact, will arrive from within North Africa, from the Sahara Desert, impacting the Mediterranean basin and then all of Europe. The African anticyclone, if it actually reaches our country, will cause temperatures to rise by many degrees compared to the average for the period, particularly in the southern regions and on the major islands.

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In the southern areas of Italy the thermometers could reach as high as 20 degrees. Temperatures will also be mild in the Centre-North, with a greater presence, however, of clouds and fog. Temperatures may be higher than expected for the period. There are even those who talk about a little early spring!

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