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What did Elon Musk say about Javier Milei’s speech in Davos?

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What did Elon Musk say about Javier Milei’s speech in Davos?

Argentine President Javier Milei speaks at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland: “The West is in danger”

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, delivered a noteworthy speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, warning about the dangers of “socialism” and “collectivist” policies. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of capitalism as the key to ending hunger, poverty, and homelessness across the planet.

Milei also tackled the topic of social justice, criticizing the unfairness and violence of the system. He firmly defended the moral superiority of capitalism and condemned socialism as a failed and impoverishing phenomenon that has caused the deaths of over 100 million people.

Additionally, the president expressed his concern about the rise of radical feminism and its impact on creating unnecessary divisions and state intervention. He urged businessmen not to succumb to the pressures of the political elite and vowed to counter the influence of the “parasites who live off the State.”

Milei’s speech received high praise from entrepreneur Elon Musk, who echoed the president’s statements and deemed them as an accurate explanation of what makes a country more or less prosperous. Musk had previously expressed his support for Milei’s victory in Argentina and praised an interview conducted by far-right presenter Tucker Carlson with Milei.

The relationship between Milei and Musk is not only ideological but is also rooted in potential business ventures in Argentina, especially in the fields of lithium mining and the expansion of the Starlink satellite broadband internet service. Musk’s interest in these ventures aligns with the rich lithium reserves found in the Andean salt flats and the regulatory permissions for Starlink to operate in the country.

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With information from Aleja Páez, Joaquín Doria, and Sofía Benavides of CNN en Español, it is evident that the alliance between Milei and Musk goes beyond ideological affinity and holds significant business potential.

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