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What does Miguel Bueno do and whose brother is he?

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What does Miguel Bueno do and whose brother is he?

The House of the Famous Colombia continues to surprise viewers. Everything that has happened with this program has gone viral on social networks. The scandal of the love affair between Miguel Melfi and Nataly Umaña, who was married to Alejandro Estrada, has been the one that has caused the most commotion throughout the internet. The actor’s divorce request in the middle of national television was something that left everyone ‘jawed’. However, this has not been the only one. The departure of Culotauro and Diana Ángel’s sadness over her departure has also been a trend.

Recently, the production surprised its followers again, as it showed the arrival of eight members to the Loft, a small apartment that serves as a pre-entry to the original house of the reality.

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Of the eight celebrities, only four will be able to enter the show. Your entry depends on the public vote. The first to pass was Camilo Pulgarín, creator of content popular with his character ‘María José’. On April 4, the second new participant of The House of the Famous Colombia: Miguel Bueno.

Many wondered, as did several contestants of the reality: Who is Miguel Bueno and why is he famous? The young man is the brother of a famous Colombian artist. Here we will tell you who he is related to and what he does.

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What does Pipe Bueno’s brother do?

Miguel Bueno is the younger brother of the renowned singer Pipe Bueno. The young man, like his brother, chose the path of music, but from another genre: urban.

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On his Instagram profile, Miguel Bueno usually shares details of his singles and his musical life with his fans. Our farewell, Scandal, Repeat y Made for me These are some of the songs with which he has stolen the hearts of his followers.

Something that greatly surprised the followers of The House of the Famous It is the great physical resemblance that Miguel Bueno has with his brother Pipe. It is no secret to anyone that the young man is very handsome and has left many without sighs.

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