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What is celebrated this April 26 | International | News

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What is celebrated this April 26 |  International |  News

Every April 26 an anniversary and the anniversary of several historical events is commemorated. What is commemorated on a day like today?

Lesbian Visibility Day

One of the achievements of the LGBTI+ collective was to name April 26 as World Lesbian Visibility Day, to commemorate this sexual orientation for which thousands of women around the world have suffered discrimination and rejection.

Lesbian women still cannot marry or legalize their union in certain countries, nor can they show affectionate behavior with their partners in public. Therefore, this day serves as a reminder that lesbian women have the same right as other heterosexual and homosexual people to exist, and to be treated with respect without fear for their integrity.

According to the United Nations, today there is a call to build more inclusive societies throughout the region and protect their human rights, without discrimination.

Lesbian Visibility Day

Some anniversaries of April 26

1544: The Spanish captain Domingo Martinez de Irala is proclaimed Governor of Paraguay.

1828: Russia declares war on Türkiye for an alleged violation of the Ackermann treaty.

1845: “El Paraguayo Independiente”, the first printed newspaper in Paraguay, begins to be published.

1860: The Treaty of Wad-Ras is signed, ending the war in Africa between Spain and Morocco.

1915: World War I: the allies and Italy reach a secret agreement by which the former offer the latter territorial compensation if it declares war on Austria.

1925: The Germans elect Marshal Paul von Hindenburg president of the Republic.

1936: The Popular Front wins the French elections.

1937: Spanish Civil War: The German Condor Legion bombs the Basque town of Gernika.

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1962: The Ranger IV lunar probe hits the far side of the Moon, marking the first arrival of an American spacecraft to another celestial body. He did not send images due to a technical failure.

1973: Paraguay and Brazil sign the treaty that allows the construction of the Itaipú hydroelectric plant, the most powerful in the world, on the Paraná River, the border between both countries.

1977: “Studio 54” opens its doors, the world-famous nightclub in New York, which would close on February 4, 1980.

1990: Carlos Pizarro, candidate for the presidency of Colombia, is murdered by the April 19 movement (M-19).

1991: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation.

1998: In Guatemala City, Bishop Juan Gerardi is assassinated, two days after the publication of the report Recovery of Historical Memory (REMHI), an account of the atrocities committed during the civil war that lasted 36 years.

2002: Chile and the European Union reach an association and free trade agreement.

2008: The Spanish fishing boat “Playa de Bakio”, kidnapped six days earlier by pirates in Somali waters, is released.

2009: Rafael Correa wins the presidential re-election of Ecuador.

2010: Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega is extradited to France after spending twenty years imprisoned in the United States.

2012: The Special Court of Sierra Leone (TESL) finds former Liberian president Charles Taylor guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Argentine Senate approves the expropriation of the bulk of Repsol’s shares in YPF.

2016: Pablo Neruda is definitively buried in his house on Isla Negra, three years after his exhumation to find out if he had been murdered.

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2017: Venezuela announces that it will leave the OAS due to convening a meeting of foreign ministers without its approval.

2018: Comedian Bill Cosby is convicted of three counts of sexual assault. The global hit “Despacito” emerges as the big winner at the Billboard Latin Music Awards, with its performers, Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee and Justin Bieber, receiving awards.

2019: The premiere of “Avengers: Endgame” surpasses that of Avatar, achieving a global box office record.

2020: Saudi Arabia eliminates the death penalty for minors.

2023: Actress Meryl Streep is awarded the Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts. (YO)

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