Home » Women’s rights in Africa: the chains of inequalities are stubborn – Wamo Nunyali

Women’s rights in Africa: the chains of inequalities are stubborn – Wamo Nunyali

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Women’s rights in Africa: the chains of inequalities are stubborn – Wamo Nunyali

Women’s struggles and their complexities persist in Africa. In a context of inequality, despite progress, women’s rights in Africa come up against stubborn chains.

African woman in the fields with chain in her hand. Credit: Omaw Buame

It remains essential to highlight the status of women in Africa, because improving their status directly influences the lives of children and communities.

What is it about?

We are talking about Gambia which is examining a text which legalizes excision again. Remember that Yahya Jammeh banned it by decree in 2015. We are thinking of the schooling of young girls in Niger and the 7.6 children per woman in the country. Are they “housewives” by choice or by constraint?


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Should we talk about their harassment at school or work, their lack of financial independence or the treatment of widows?

An African woman in a field holding a chain. Credit Omaw Buame

After having mentioned all of this, we would still have a thousand topics to discuss. Women, even today, are restricted in several areas.

There is nevertheless progress

Beyond the restrictions, it is important to highlight the thousand advances that have been made. Several governmental and international institutions have covered initiatives in favor of women with money. And there were results. Today, especially if you belong to a certain segment of society, being a woman can even have advantages.


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There are scholarships dedicated to women only, funds that are allocated only to the extent that there are women who are involved at a certain percentage and to a certain degree (a scholarship only for men would be a scandal…).

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Several initiatives in almost all African countries target women, their well-being, their freedom of expression, their education or their reproductive health.

Defeat the most powerful enemy of women’s rights

Several advances are still to be made. Finally, let us note that we will have to find ways to defeat a terrible enemy of women’s rights: women themselves. Some, in a way, hide in voluntary servitude. They delight in the advantages of subordination (or supposed advantages) and desire those of freedom and authority. They drain other women into their misery.

It’s hard to be free. You have to be on your feet, have strong feet to bear the weight of responsibility and fully embrace freedom.

Today is International Women’s Day. Be brave, be free.

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