Home » Zaki trial postponed to April 6 after a lightning hearing: “I want to return to Bologna soon”

Zaki trial postponed to April 6 after a lightning hearing: “I want to return to Bologna soon”

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The trial of Patrick Zaki, the Egyptian student of the University of Bologna, has been postponed to 6 April. Before today’s hearing – which lasted very little – about half an hour was held in the “cage of the accused”, as the Egyptian activist himself defined it. “I’m free now and that’s good,” he said. But the postponement of the hearing for more than two months “means prolonging this situation of limbo, uncertainty and suffering for Zaki – declares Riccardo Noury, spokesman for Amnesty Italia -. It means delaying once again that appointment that Patrick dreams of with the city of Bologna. It is not good news ». Now that there is a fixed date, “these 2 months and 5 days – continues Noury ​​- must not be allowed to pass in disinterest”.

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Francesca Paci

“We hope that something good will happen on April 6, since I want to be back in Bologna as soon as possible,” says Zaki, who left the Mansura Palace of Justice. “I think they are trying to make time for the final decision; we’ll see what happens, ”he added, implicitly referring to the single judge and the other Egyptian officials. The delegation of foreign diplomats, including two Italians, unsuccessfully insisted on attending the hearing in the courtroom.

There are no particular details on the reason for this umpteenth postponement, “except, I imagine, the intent to prolong once again this judicial limbo that has lasted since February 2020”, concluded Noury.

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