Home » Over thinking, why it shouldn’t be underestimated: expert advice

Over thinking, why it shouldn’t be underestimated: expert advice

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Over thinking, why it shouldn’t be underestimated: expert advice

Do you suffer from overthinking? Do not underestimate this disturbance and run for cover. Follow the expert’s advice to find serenity again.

You think too much? Do you find yourself exhausted and without energy due to constant inner brooding? You must intervene immediately and break the vicious circle that causes you discomfort. Overthinking is a state of mind that grips many people, accomplices the chaos of modern times, increasingly frenetic and prone to non-stop speed. You no longer have the time to take a break and dedicate yourself to your inner well-being, everything runs and flows away from your hands in an incessant circle of recurring thoughts.

If you too are facing a moment in which it seems really impossible to rediscover the joy of living, in which you are unable to calm your mind which is perpetually busy thinking and rethinking, you must try to put the advice of the experts into practice.

It’s about simple suggestions that will allow you to regain your balance and preserve physical well-being. Mental rumination if protracted over time can give rise to somatization phenomena and lead to the onset of headaches, neck pain, back pain, erythema and more.

Not only physical but also psychic problems, thinking too much and not being able to figure it out can be fertile ground for the onset of anxiety, chronic stress and depression, disorders that cause changes in the sleep-wake cycle and appetite. But, you can “heal” from overthinking, just put good will and inner strength into it.

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This technique has helped many people: how to ‘heal’ from over thinking

Experts recommend implementing the focused attention technique. In fact, professionals believe that to turn off rumination it is necessary to start describing the place where you are in an objective way. So pay attention to the surrounding environment, such as the color of the walls, the shape of the table, the color of the floor and so on. We must not stop, but continue without stopping.

Overthinking can cause you many problems: what to know (tantasalute.it)

It is a distraction mechanism, the brain engaged in the placement of objects, will not have space to focus on the usual disturbing thoughts. The important thing is that there are no personal comments or interpretations, it must be a simple list, and do it for about three minutes.

This strategy has helped many people, but if nothing seems to calm and appease the sense of restlessness, it is necessary to consult a mental health professional. In fact, only the experts can analyze the causes of the phenomenon and indicate the most suitable solution for each one.

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