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Assistance to populations affected by rains in townships of Valledupar

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Assistance to populations affected by rains in townships of Valledupar

An emergency situation took place last Tuesday afternoon in several corregimientos in the north of Valledupar, during a torrential downpour that caused the overflow of some ditches and the Badillo River, whose current reached the towns causing material damage and loss of rice crops. .

In the township of Badillo there is talk of an affectation of 80% of the houses, which represent more than 300 affected, in which families lost belongings and the mud caused damage to the infrastructure of their residences. Fortunately there were no victims or injuries, but there was damage that occurs every year in the area during the rainy season.

Elina Gutiérrez, corregidora of Badillo, explained that the current of water entered the town after the overflow of the Mamón de Leche ditch, which collects water from the San Rafael hill. “Unfortunately this happens every year, the solution lies in the construction of a bridge, so that the water does not damm up, but no ruler has bothered to do so. They only remember us when we are up to our necks in water.”

But the damage did not end there, the Badillo river also registered a flood to the point of going out onto the road, damaging crops and affecting the mobilization of vehicles. The channel took it towards Altos de la Vuelta and fortunately the situation was controlled at night.

“Officials from the Municipal and Departmental Risk Management Office inspected the affected area, carried out a census and promised to return to offer help. We pray to God that it doesn’t rain because we fear for our integrity. In the cemetery, a tree fell on several vaults and the health post was also flooded, hoping that the dental equipment that is in the place has not been damaged.

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Felipe Murgas, Secretary of the Government of Valledupar, stated that through the Municipal Disaster Risk Management Office, it carries out damage assessment and needs analysis in the rural and urban sectors of the municipality, after the damage caused by heavy rains. .

The technical visit is carried out jointly with the relief agencies, with whom the affectations after the climatic variability of the municipality will be quantified. “We will remain attentive to all the reports from the communities, which allow us to focus actions to attend to these emergencies in a timely manner,” said the official.

Naime López, from the Valledupar Volunteer Fire Department, reported that several calls were received at the station warning of the emergency, due to the overflow of some streams that caused the flooding of the Badillo River.

There were floods in the corregimientos of La Vega, Badillo and Patillal. Some fallen trees were also reported and some road controls were ordered due to water currents on the roads. On the right bank of the Guatapurí river and the Las Mercedes ditch were not affected.


According to the bulletin of the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies, Ideam, in the department of Cesar there is a yellow alert in various sectors.

There is a probability of sudden flooding in the upper basin of the Cesar River and its tributaries, which is why special attention is recommended on the banks of the Guatapurí River in the municipality of Valledupar, in sectors such as the Chemesquemena corregimiento. Likewise, in the La Malena ravine at the height of the Patillal corregimiento.

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In the middle basin of the Cesar river there is a probability of sudden flooding, so special attention must be paid to the Sororia, Maracas and Tucuy rivers, the latter in the Serranía del Perijá. Also in the municipalities of Valledupar, Pueblo Bello, Agustín Codazzi and La Jagua de Ibirico.

There may be moderate increases in the level of the Ariguani River and its tributaries, especially for the Ariguanicito River among other contributors to the left bank of the main watercourse. Special attention is recommended in the municipalities of Pueblo Bello, El Copey and Bosconia.

In the last 24 hours, the highest record was presented in the municipality of Valledupar, district of Patillal.

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