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CSIR will train Cesar overseers

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CSIR will train Cesar overseers

The Royalties Investment Monitoring and Evaluation Committee, CSIR, will hold a meeting with overseers of the department of Cesar. The technical secretary, Carlos Andrés Añez, pointed out that the work of the overseers is essential for the development of the department.

The work of monitoring resources cannot be done alone. We all have to be allies because we are talking about resources for which we are all responsible. In this sense, the veedores should be the first allies of CSIR”, Añez argued.

The CSIR was born as an initiative to monitor and monitor the royalty resources invested in the department. Currently, the CSIR is chaired by the rector of the University Foundation of the Andean Area, Gelca Gutiérrez.

We want to offer CSIR as a space so that they can feel supportedalso offer advisory services in the preparation of documents and project monitoring”, Añez pointed out.

EL PILÓN: Why are there so few oversight offices in the department of Cesar?

We have to encourage the work of oversight offices in the department. We need new veedores to emerge pbecause the administration of public resources it should not be an activity of a few. It is up to all of us to follow up.

Are there guarantees for solid oversight?

We cannot let mayors and governors decide on the destination of our resources. I wish every timenew figures are urged to question and do analysis, especially with the resources of the royalties, which are very short resources.

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Many times, the veedores feel alone and feel that their complaints are not being listened to. The first abandonment that a veedor suffers is that of the institutions. If you feel that abandonment, you will feel that your work is useless. The first thing that must exist is the commitment of public entities to attend to this call so that the observer feels motivated.

How are we in terms of transparency?

Focused on public procurement, public transparency is weakened. When in a contractual process participates Only one bidder is affecting transparency because if it is a public contract, the idea is to choose the best bid.

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