Home » Beauty passes through coffee, Jennifer Aniston’s anti-aging cocktail: to drink every morning

Beauty passes through coffee, Jennifer Aniston’s anti-aging cocktail: to drink every morning

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Beauty passes through coffee, Jennifer Aniston’s anti-aging cocktail: to drink every morning

Jennifer Aniston looks after her beauty very carefully: the actress has revealed that she drinks a coffee-based cocktail every morning.

Jennifer Aniston is one of the most talented and beautiful actresses in the world cinema scene. Her career started many years ago when she was very young. Over the years, thanks to the numerous characters brought on stage, she has managed to be appreciated. In addition to her talent, which she has always shown in the series and films of which she has been a part, her beauty does not go unnoticed.

In an old interview with Allure, she said that exercise is important in her daily life. Doing more together is the key to never getting bored, whether it’s yoga, cardio, bodyweight training or boxing. He trains five times a week, alternating low-impact exercises with high-intensity ones. In his ‘diet’, hydration and healthy eating are obviously important. Eat foods that are high in protein and low in fat, such as fresh fruits and vegetables with lean proteins, such as fish. Apparently, its beauty is also linked to another ingredient, let’s talk about coffee. The actress has never hidden that she uses it every morning to make an anti-aging cocktail, as revealed to Marie Claire.

Jennifer Aniston, the coffee-based anti-aging cocktail: what it is about

Jennifer Aniston has always said that she attaches great importance to her appearance. For this, she trains constantly, following a healthy diet. She practices different activities, and she never spares herself. Apparently, however, her beauty hides another ‘secret’: every morning he drinks a coffee-based cocktail. She told it herself, in an interview with Marie Claire, in which she explained what it consists of.

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Jennifer Aniston’s coffee cocktail (tantasalute.it)

Gives a healthy touch to your morning coffee, mixing in the cup a small dose of skimmed milk, Stevia, cinnamon, and Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides: “I mix it up, get my hot milk and then get one of those little blenders and get it all frothy. With cinnamon it tastes completely different. It’s very tasty”. He also drinks collagen supplements. She said that after taking them on, she noticed the difference right away. Her nails appeared stronger and healthier looking.

The actress joined the Vital Proteins team in November of 2020, although she has been relying on the company for some time. She has always been an advocate of wellness from within and now she is proud to share the importance of collagen. Today, at the age of 53, she declared her love for herself and it was possible thanks to the well-being and beauty habits that she has been practicing for some time.

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