Home » The richness of biodiversity in Guangxi ranks third in the country

The richness of biodiversity in Guangxi ranks third in the country

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The richness of biodiversity in Guangxi ranks third in the country

On May 17, the reporter learned from the press conference on the progress and results of Guangxi’s promotion of biodiversity protection held by the Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government that in recent years, Guangxi has further promoted biodiversity protection, coordinated the promotion of ecosystem governance and restoration, and enhanced biodiversity. Protect the spatial pattern, continue to build an important ecological barrier in the south of the motherland, and strive to write a Chinese-style modernized chapter in Guangxi where man and nature coexist harmoniously. At present, the richness of biodiversity in Guangxi ranks third in the country, and 223 nature reserves have been established in the whole region, which plays an important role in the strategic pattern of national ecological security and ecological civilization construction.

Strengthen the planning and design of biodiversity protection, and improve the system of policies and regulations for biodiversity protection. In recent years, the local regulations and institutional system of biodiversity protection in Guangxi have been continuously improved. The autonomous region issued and implemented a number of local regulations on biodiversity protection, including the “Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening Biodiversity Protection”, and took the lead in promulgating the country’s first primate habitat. The Regulations on Land Protection and the Management Measures for the Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources will accelerate the process of biodiversity conservation in Guangxi.

Establish a multi-level biodiversity protection system to strengthen species protection. Guangxi has built a relatively complete system of nature reserves, protecting more than 90% of terrestrial ecosystem types, 44% of mangrove wetlands, 90% of national key protected wild animal species, and 82% of national key protected wild plant species. Southwest Karst National Park has been included in the “National Park Spatial Layout Plan” officially approved by the State Council. Establish animal and botanical gardens, species germplasm gene banks (gardens), poultry and livestock breeding farms, preservation banks, etc., and preserve more than 60,000 copies of crop genetic resources. Actively carry out ex-situ protection of endangered plants, and extremely small species such as Debao cycads and knee handle trees have been effectively protected. It is the first time in the country to realize the return planting of genus chinensis in the wild, and for the first time to overcome the problem of artificial breeding of the third generation (fourth generation) of pangolin; successfully carried out the return of rare and endangered plants such as resource fir, Yuanbaoshan fir, garlic fruit, cycad, and Chinese pangolin, crown Spotted hornbills, alligator lizards and other rare and endangered wild animals are released into the wild.

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Strengthen the supervision of nature reserves and strengthen the judicial protection of wild animal and plant resources. Guangxi has carried out integrated ecological and environmental supervision of nature reserves, established a working mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of ecological and environmental protection of nature reserves, regularly carried out supervision and inspection of “Green Shield” nature reserves, and launched special operations to crack down on illegal and criminal acts that destroy biodiversity. . From May 2022 to the present, a total of 1,359 criminal cases of destruction of forest, grassland and wildlife resources have been cracked in the region, and 1,523 criminal suspects have been arrested. Set up a special trial system, continue to improve the level of judicial protection of biodiversity, and form a high-pressure situation in combating crimes that destroy biodiversity.

Biodiversity conservation governance has reached a new level, and biodiversity conservation has achieved remarkable results. The protection case of the white-headed langur in Guangxi was successfully selected into the “Biodiversity 100+ Global Typical Cases”. Maoer Mountain, Shankou Mangrove and many other nature reserves have been included in the “International Man and the Biosphere” or “International Important Wetland List”. The mangrove forest area in Guangxi reaches 9,330 hectares, accounting for 32.7% of the country’s mangrove forest area; two batches of 52 Bryde’s whales were detected near Weizhou Island, more than 300 Chinese white dolphins in the Beibu Gulf, and the species of Eastern black crested gibbon The number has grown from 3 groups to 5 groups with 35 individuals, and the number of endangered white-headed langurs has now recovered to more than 1,400. In addition, many new species and new records have been discovered, such as Guibei Qinfrog, Cailao Guicuo, and Qiongnan. According to preliminary statistics, more than 50 new species of plants have been discovered in Guangxi in recent years, and 136 new species of terrestrial wild vertebrates have been added. (Reporter/Yu Feng correspondent/Ji Weijie)

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(Editors in charge: Li Minjun, Chen Libing)

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