Home » How to counteract the discomfort of swollen feet and ankles in the summer

How to counteract the discomfort of swollen feet and ankles in the summer

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In summer, it is known, the feet and ankles tend to swell more. This nuisance affects all the suburbs, not just the feet. Even the hands in summer are more swollen and we can notice this from the rings we wear all year round, which in summer they tighten more. The increased accumulation of fluids, caused by poor heat-related circulation, causes this swelling.

The good news is that this annoying swelling can be countered and in this article we will provide some valuable advice to understand how to do it.

We start at the table

Like many ailments, swollen feet and ankles are also fought starting from the board. Nutrition and lifestyle, in general, always play a fundamental role in a good state of health. Very often the table is the right place to take care of your body and this also applies to swollen feet and ankles.

In summer, due to holidays and a more relaxed lifestyle, we tend to take in more salt. Just think of the various aperitifs, pretzels and spirits protagonists of the summer. The watchword is not deprivation but moderation! Trying not to overdo the foods that create excessive water retention is the first step in understanding how to counteract the discomfort of swollen feet and ankles in the summer.

Free way to diuretic herbal teas

Herbal teas are drinks that we associate with the cold season, certainly not with summer. But who said that a herbal tea must necessarily be drunk hot?

They are also delicious cold and can be consumed instead of iced tea, perhaps enriched with some more summery juice, such as pineapple or mango juice. The diuretic herbs available are not very many, from dandelion to birch trees. All with a strong draining power. Replacing some aperitifs with a nice glass of fresh draining herbal tea is a great way to counteract the discomfort of swollen feet and ankles in summer.

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To understand how to properly take draining herbs to combat water retention, click here.

Sleep with your feet raised

Sleeping with your feet slightly elevated is the quintessential grandmother’s remedy, but it’s still very effective. It allows fluids to flow out of the foot and ankle area, deflating the affected areas. Just place one or two pillows under your feet before going to bed and after a few days you will already notice the benefits. With this article on how to deal with the discomfort of swollen feet and ankles in the summer, it will be a little easier to solve this annoying problem.

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