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Job opportunity KI: Where applicants are now particularly in demand

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Job opportunity KI: Where applicants are now particularly in demand
Business 44,000 vacancies

Job opportunity AI – where applicants are now particularly in demand

Source: Getty Images/IndiaPictureRF; Assembly: infographic WELT/C. Gorke

Across the country, German employers advertised 44,000 new jobs with AI skills at the beginning of this year alone. More and more companies want to adapt to the future trend. It’s no longer just about IT jobs, as a recent study shows.

KFor years, artificial intelligence (AI) was primarily a playground for researchers and thought leaders. Now she becomes one decisive factor in the broad labor market. More and more companies are specifically looking for employees who have knowledge of this future technology.

It no longer has to be just computer scientists. Also female engineers, consultants, medicslogisticians or salespeople with AI skills are desperately needed.

From January to April 2023 alone, employers across Germany advertised almost 44,000 jobs for AI specialists. That was an increase of more than eight percent compared to the same period in the previous year, according to a comprehensive job market evaluation by the Berlin personnel market research Index Research.

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In some professional groups, such as construction and environmental trades (plus 105 percent), healthcare (plus 83 percent) or logistics (plus 53 percent), the demand for experts in the field of artificial intelligence has skyrocketed.

“We are only at the beginning of a wave that will affect more and more areas of the labor market,” predicts Jürgen Grenz, CEO of the Index Group, to which the analysis subsidiary Index Research belongs.

His company operates a database that records job advertisements in online exchanges, on around 250,000 company websites and in more than 500 print media in ten European countries. From January to April, the job advertisements placed in Germany that contained the terms artificial intelligence, AI and the English translations artificial intelligence and AI were analyzed in this way.

Source: Infographic WORLD

Not surprisingly, the most sought-after were computer scientists with AI expertise. There were almost 17,700 job offers for them. Employees in research and development followed in second place with 7,500 advertisements.

However, there were also significant increases in two subsequent areas: in technical professions such as engineers and architects and in management consultants. Index Research counted more than 5,500 job offers for AI experts here. Several thousand experts were also sought in project management, sales, finance and administration.

Source: Infographic WORLD

Artificial intelligence is changing more and more processes in companies, from production to software development and administration. “In order to exploit the full potential of possible applications, companies need people with knowledge in this area,” says Grenz. “Companies must now familiarize themselves with the relevant tools and use them actively. Anyone who doesn’t jump on the bandwagon now will face economic difficulties in the years to come.”

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Some companies are apparently cautious about the change. “Many a medium-sized company first feels its way out with working students and interns,” Grenz observed. In the first four months of this year, Index Research counted more than 4,000 job advertisements that explicitly refer to Interns, students and pupils with AI skills judged

It is also interesting to take a look at the regional distribution of job advertisements related to AI. Here, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg were ahead with more than 8,700 jobs each in the first four months of 2023.

Berlin was in fourth place with almost 5,300 advertised AI positions. At the bottom of the index country ranking were Bremen, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saarland, each with fewer than 550 advertised positions.

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