Home » Google clarifies which inactive accounts will be deleted: there is the exception

Google clarifies which inactive accounts will be deleted: there is the exception

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Google clarifies which inactive accounts will be deleted: there is the exception

Following what has recently emerged regarding the elimination of unused Google accounts, BigG has decided to clarify some aspects relating to the matter. In this regard, it has been stated that not all inactive accounts will be deleted.

In fact, following the spread of the news relating to the fact that unused profiles for two years could be removed (the new policy will not be activated before December 2023), there were not a few who wondered how everything will be applied. This also considering that it had already been explained that the inactivity will not be “calculated” only by taking into consideration the logins, but also based on the use of services such as Google Drive and YouTube.

Clarity has been shed precisely on the latter platform, as also reported by Gizmodo and TechCrunch, who have pointed out an update on the post on the official Google blog relating to the matter. In fact, also following the doubts expressed by users regarding the end that some YouTube videos could make in this way, the Mountain View company has explained that it will proceed with the removal only of Google account with no YouTube videos uploaded (so that dated but valuable content relating to that platform is not lost).

In any case, among the reasons disclosed by BigG in relation to the elimination of the other inactive profiles for more than two years there are security issues. In fact, Google states that these accounts may be using compromised passwords or may not have any additional protections enabled (such as two-factor authentication).

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In any case, it seems that the elimination will take place “slowly” and gradually, starting from the accounts created and never used, so as to give users ample time to eventually make “active” the profiles they do not want to end up among those deleted. Clearly, people associated with accounts involved in the whole thing will get several notifications in the months leading up to the deletion. Moreover, profiles related to schools and companies will not be affected. In short, Google wants to pursue the issue without creating too many “troubles” for users.

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