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Women over 50 miraculous exercise: this increases metabolic expenditure

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It is physiological, at the age of 50 women tend to gain weight due to the decrease in estrogen. How to keep fit with just one exercise.

Losing weight after age 50 isn’t always easy. In this age, the body changes, hormones decrease and one gains weight easily. Not everyone knows, however, that you can avoid gaining or losing excess weight without making excessive efforts and hours in the gym. Here you are an exercise that all women can do to train at home and keep fit.

What we want to present to you today is a Youtube video where a unique exercise is shown to regain the ideal weight. After middle age, women tend to accumulate excess fat due to the decrease in estrogen and the physiological change of the female body. If you too begin to see the first accumulations of fat and are unable to eliminate them, it means that the time has come to increase energy consumption.

How to lose weight after 50 effortlessly, just one exercise: all the benefits

You don’t need hours of exhausting training to get great results. The gym is certainly useful, but if there isn’t the time and the way to go? No problem, just train from home following the directions to find out the exercise studied from Harvard University per gives it over 50. It is a single route, which can be learned easily with a little training and does not require particular gymnastic skills.

What is the exercise to do at home to lose weight (tantasalute.it)

The advantage is that with a single movement you burn calories, avoiding gaining weight as well as losing the extra pounds and was designed just for women aged 50 and over. Naturally, even the youngest can perform it, obtaining significant benefits not only for losing weight but also for increasing muscle tone and joint mobility.

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Exercise is always good for you. but if you know the Burpee you get even more benefits. Highlights of this gentle workout include: muscle strengthening, affecting the whole body and especially the back, arms, legs and abdomen, and also of the cardiovascular system, stimulation of blood and lymphatic circulation, weight loss if you also follow a balanced diet. The calories that are burned with the exercise suggested by Harvard University and reported in the Youtube video shown in this article are 10 kcal for each individual Burbee. So in 30 minutes you can consume up to 300 calories.

Here’s how to do it right at home:

  • upright position with legs slightly apart, bend the torso until both hands touch the ground;
  • now move your legs back until your body is parallel to the floor, plank;
  • put your chest on the mat and return to the starting position with a light push and a hop to stand up.

If you want to increase your energy expenditure and lose the extra pounds faster, just do 15 Burpees non-stop and quickly. If you’re not trained, don’t do it right away, you’ll get there gradually. This exercise allows you to activate the metabolism by consuming many calories, it is easy to learn and remember, 30 minutes a day is enough and no equipment is needed. Watch the video and try it yourself.

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