Home » Testimony – Anna’s strength: «I fight cancer and I do it in Calabria, here I found humanity and professionalism»

Testimony – Anna’s strength: «I fight cancer and I do it in Calabria, here I found humanity and professionalism»

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Although the health issue is among the most difficult to represent positively in the eyes of the Calabrians, every now and then it happens to cross experiences that go in diametrically opposite directions compared to what is the common perception. An example of this is the story of Anna PerrottaPaolana lawyer, wife and mother who, for some time now, has taken to having to deal with fears and fears related to her state of health, jeopardized by a oncological pathology who, despite her young age, is in contrast with the attitude of the veteran.

Moved by the intention of wanting to shine a light on what is usually kept silent, the woman wanted to share her clinical experience, conducted in Calabrian structures and, to date, with positive results.

A testimony that represents a message of hope, for all those people who – like Anna – have seen their daily routine distorted by the onset of the disease, a pathology which, given the woman’s experience, can be faced without having to emigrate elsewhere for the better care and, above all, without letting life be conditioned, understood as a mix of affections and feelings to be held high in order to look to the future with optimism.

«To all women I say to pay the utmost attention to the aspect of prevention – confided the lawyer, with a smile in which all formalities evaporated – Regular screening is the best way to avoid having to deal with the more advanced stages of a disease which, in order to be fought, needs everyone’s support».

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«Since the early days of my experience as an oncological patient – continued Anna Perrotta – I have felt the sensation of being able to trust in the work of our doctors, a trust that over time has become a certainty, reinforcing in me the conviction that being treated in Calabria is not only possible but also advisable».

The professional, known to Paola also for her past as president of the municipality’s “Equal Opportunities” commission, specified that «although the removal surgery was carried out at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, the diagnosis of my problem, which was even very difficult to identify, it was formulated in our region, where I then decided to cure myself, undergoing therapeutic cycles during which I was able to feel the great humanity of our white coats and of the health personnel who work in the Calabrian structures».

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