Home » Alberto Fernández: On December 10 it will be one or one of ours who will succeed me

Alberto Fernández: On December 10 it will be one or one of ours who will succeed me

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Alberto Fernández: On December 10 it will be one or one of ours who will succeed me

President Alberto Fernandez He affirmed this Monday that on December 10 “there will be another government, and it will be one or one of ours who will succeed me.”

When reiterating his call for the unity of the Frente de Todos (FdT), Fernández reiterated that “the problem is in front of us; The problem is those who say that the popular economy is a gang of ‘planeros’ or that we must end severance pay or paid vacations, with public health, or those who say that the State is unnecessary”.

This was expressed when leading the act by the Day of the Workers of Recovered Companiesin Lavallol, province of Buenos Aires.

The President called to be “the country that Perón dreamed of: an industrialized country”

Alberto Fernández called to “stop thinking that we are an agricultural and livestock country and, in the best of cases, the world‘s supermarket” to “become what the three-time president Juan Domingo Perón once dreamed of,” a country industrialized”.

“If the situation did not accompany me, I laid the foundations so that this can be done,” said the president when leading an act in Lomas de Zamora for the Day of Workers of Recovered Companies.

“The world we live in today has a very perverse capitalism”

The president maintained that the world today lives “a very perverse capitalism, more concerned with finances than with production”, and stated that “the best capitalism was the one that was concerned with producing, because it generated employment”, and that must be ” revive it”.

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Fernández warned about opponents who “do not exercise freedom of the press”

Fernández warned that some opposition candidates for the upcoming elections “do not exercise freedom of the press” but rather “abuse it” and “say barbarasadas”, such as the proposal of the libertarian deputy Javier Milei of “privatization of the streets”. .

When leading the act for the Day of the Workers of Recovered Companies, in Llavallol, province of Buenos Aires, the president asked “not to hand over power to those who reduced the 13% to retirees or who managed the Pami when (the heart surgeon René) Favaloro committed suicide.

The President and Cardinal Poli share the last Tedeum together for May 25

President Alberto Fernández will participate next Thursday, May 25, in the traditional Tedeum that will be held in the metropolitan cathedral, on the occasion of commemorating a new anniversary of the May Revolution.

The religious celebration will begin at 11 at the Metropolitan Cathedral, presided over by the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Mario Aurelio Poli, together with the auxiliary bishops of the city, and will include the participation of leaders of other religious denominations.

For his part, the President will concur with a large part of his cabinet, as he did last year, official sources reported.

The organization of the event is in charge of the Presidency and will be broadcast live by Public Television, according to reports from the Institutional Communication Office of the Archbishopric of Buenos Aires.

During the first two years of his term, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, Fernández participated in the Tedeum virtually.

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As on previous occasions, it is expected that the President will arrive at the cathedral walking from the Casa Rosada, with the escort of the Grenadier Regiment and the Patricians, and that once inside the temple he will go to the mausoleum of General José de San Martín to render tribute and place a floral offering to the Father of the Nation.

The celebration of the tedeum -which in Latin means “To you, God”- takes place every May 25 since the first national government of 1810, in gratitude for the emergence of the Argentine State, which proclaimed its independence in 1816.

This year’s will be the last Tedeum of the management of Alberto Fernández and also the last of Poli, who will leave office soon, after having reached the age limit of 75 in 2022.

With a very low profile throughout his pastoral management in the city of Buenos Aires and with several internal questions, Poli submitted his resignation on November 29, 2022, when he turned 75 -as established by canonical rules- but, for the moment , was not effective.

In ecclesiastical media, the expectation is growing for who will be chosen by Pope Francis to succeed Poli, and an imminent definition is expected on who will occupy the ownership of the Buenos Aires archdiocese.

During the last Holy Week celebrations in the Metropolitan Cathedral, Poli revealed in a mass that the Pope asked him to stay until his successor is named.

“As you know, at the age of 75, we bishops presented our disposition to the Holy Father, and it was accepted, but he also gave me a yapa: ‘Stay until the next one comes,'” the cardinal said at the Chrism mass last Holy Thursday. about his conversation with the Pope.

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Poli also currently chairs the Education Commission of the Argentine Episcopal Conference, the body from which work has been done on the proposal for an “Argentine Educational Pact” that will be delivered soon to the presidential candidates who are presenting this year.

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