Home » Flood, network of 120 psychologists to assist the affected population — Emilia-Romagna Region

Flood, network of 120 psychologists to assist the affected population — Emilia-Romagna Region

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Flood, network of 120 psychologists to assist the affected population — Emilia-Romagna Region

A team of 123 psychologists and psychologists ready to deliver assistance and support to people affected by the flood. Professionals from all over Emilia-Romagna, with specific skills and training in emergency management, present in all reception centers set up in the area, but which are naturally available not only to those who have had to leave their homes and find hospitality in schools, sports halls and gyms, but to all those who need them. Starting from more fragile: elderly, children, the disabled and people with previous mental suffering.

Since the first days of the emergency, the regional health service has made a professional team especially for the management of more critical cases, such as the traumas associated with the loss of a loved one or the abandonment of one’s homebut now it is ready to make the service widespread and structured: starting today the 123 psychologists are available in all areas of Romagna, in the Imola area, in the Bologna area and in the Ferrara area affected by the flood. On site, in reception hubs to provide assistance to displaced persons, but also to support those who, while not forced to leave their homes, need help: in this case citizens can call toll-free number 800024662 activated by the Region to respond 7 days a week, from 8 to 20, to questions and needs related to the emergency: operators, suitably trained to address all requests, will put citizens in contact with psychologists.

The service, coordinated by the regional councilorship for health policiesit is made possible too thanks to the psychologists of the Healthcare Companies and the Associations, in particular SIPEM SoS ER, Emergency Group Order of Psychologists, Italian Red Cross, EMDR Italy, Psychologists for peoples. From an organizational point of view, it is the Ausl themselves in the emergency area who intercept the needs for psychological support/counseling and report them to the councillorship, which then identifies the psychologist to be sent to the area indicated for that specific request. The psychologist stays as long as necessary, even for days, and sleeps in the reception hubs.

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by the Regionand in particular of the Department of Health, a thanksgiving va to the Associations, which make their psychologists available free of chargeit’s at all health agenciesfor having taken action immediately and together to face the emergency: this service is in fact possible thanks to the collaboration of the entire regional health system, from Piacenza to Rimini.

The goals of psychological intervention are manifold: from the management of the acute phase to the mitigation of stress, from the reworking of the trauma to the prevention of the onset of psychopathological disorders caused by stress; from an organizational point of view, there are two phases envisaged: one sharpwith reception and triage, and a di transition where specific treatment of the trauma and/or referral to local services is envisaged. In the hospitality centers one is prepared specific area dedicated to reception, information and support (according to the RISC model – Reception Information And Support Care), for the work of psychologists with the affected population, who can contact the center independently, or sent by attending physicians or after contacting the regional toll-free number.

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