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recognize eosinophilic esophagitis as a chronic disease

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recognize eosinophilic esophagitis as a chronic disease

Inserting eosinophilic esophagitis in the list of chronic diseases, to allow patients and caregivers who assist them to have adequate treatment and assistance, for a rare disease that is increasingly spreading also in Italy, where they estimate between 25,000 and 60,000 cases. This is the appeal launched by the conference held last weekend in the splendid setting of the Odescalchi Castle in Bracciano, as part of the “European Eosinophilic Esophagitis Day”, at the end of a week full of initiatives and events to raise awareness of the institutions and public opinion.

The meeting was organized by ESEO Italia, Association of families against esophagitis and eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases, which has brought together numerous and authoritative specialists from all over the world, for illustrate the state of the art of eosinophilic diseases, their various manifestations, future prospects on research trials in progress, those concluded and those in the commercialization phase.

“With European Eosinophilic Disease Day – he has declared Roberta Giodice, president of ESEO ItalyA week of awareness-raising ended with meetings and initiatives held all over the world. These opportunities for discussion are essential to stimulate public opinion and institutions on the importance of supporting patients afflicted by eosinophilic diseases. Patient associations, doctors and scientific societies have shared the appeal launched by ESEO Italia to the Institutions so that eosinophilic oesophagitis is recognized as a chronic disease, thus allowing all those who suffer from this pathology to be able to receive adequate assistance starting by a uniform exemption code. I thank Princess Maria Pace Odescalchi of the castle of Bracciano, Antonio Giodice of the castle of Pavone Canavese for supporting the event and I thank the Mayors Roberto Lagalla and Edoardo Accorsi and the councilors Rosalia Pennino and Mario Pedaci of the City of Palermo and Cento who joined to the countryside illuminating the monuments with magenta”.

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An appeal shared by the speakers who attended the conference, all in agreement in the request for greater support to doctors for taking charge of patients, hoping for an increasingly constant organization of follow-ups.

The professor. Lorenzo Cecchi (President of AAIITO) underlined the role of the immunologist in the diagnosis and research of these pathologies: “we must create ever greater awareness and we are ready to lend our support to scientific and clinical initiatives“. At the forefront also the Say, represented by Prof. Edward Savarinowho reiterated the importance of teamwork to support the right of patients to be recognized by the National Health System, “which, unfortunately, has not happened satisfactorily so far”. A commitment to collaborate also confirmed by Claudio Romano (SIGENP President) and by prof. Mario Costantini (President of SINGEM).

The presence of the presidents of the Scientific Societies and the numerous patronages (ISS, UNIAMO, ALTEMS, SIGE, SIAAIC, AAIITO, SINGEM, SIGENP, SIPPed, FEDERFARMA Rome) are not a formal support but are the result of operational collaborations to improve patient care, their quality of life and to limit the economic and social impact that this pathology has on those affected and their families. And always with a view to participation and the search for operational solutions for various patient requirements, there will be stakeholders who, with their projects, have operationally declined actions in support of patients. For example, the digestive gastroenterology team of the Bambino Gesù of Rome who tried to explain to sick children through a language congenial to them what they live and their condition and the project “Participated science” designed to stimulate solutions and projects that in their sharing they can simplify and help the complexity of the life of patients and their families.

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The international networks involved are a driving force that has organized itself to enhance awareness campaigns on these pathologies in support of patients and the scientific community to reduce diagnostic delays and increase knowledge and attention to these pathologies, some still rare, others neglected .

Witnessing the international contribution to the campaign were Mary Jo Strobel (President of APFED – American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders) and AEDESEO – Asociación Española de Esofagitis Eosinofílica), in connection, while deepening the theme “A bridge for the future: international collaborations”, was the dialogue between Prof. Salvatore Oliva (European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition, ESPGHAN – University of Rome La Sapienza) and Prof. Seema AcevesUniversity of San Diego, Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego, California (USA).

The conference was full of contributions that drew a line on what are the current perspectives relating to treatments and research: the focus “Eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases two distinct entities?”, with the Dr. Francesca Rea (Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù Rome) to Prof. Edward Savarino (University of Padua), while Prof. Nicholas De Bortoli, University of Pisa, spoke on “Future prospects and current studies”. The centrality of the immunological approach to the pathology was reaffirmed by Prof Eleonora Nucera (Catholic University A. Gemelli Rome), Prof.ssa Erminia Ridolo (University of Parma). Dr Frances Racca and dr Gaia Pellegatta (Humanitas di Rozzano) spoke on “The challenge of integrated work”, while diet and correct nutrition were treated by Dr. Antonella Diamonds (Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù Rome) and by Dr.ssa Giada Fly (Meyer Children’s Hospital Florence).

To conclude the work, the Round Table on future needs and challenges for patients attended by Dr Taruscio Sunday (Higher Institute of Health), Dr.ssa Julia Angelino (Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome), Dr. Umberto Pompili (Master Academy), Dr. Devis Moretti (SANOFI) and Dr. Joseph Isoni (Dr Falk Pharma).

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