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How long does a cat live and what does it depend on?

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How long does a cat live and what does it depend on?

If you have a cat as a pet, surely you have ever wondered how long it lives and what depends on whether it enjoys a long and healthy life.

Cats are very special animals that accompany us and brighten our day to day with their personality and affection. For this reason, we want them to be by our side for as long as possible and to feel good and happy.

Cats are very popular pets, but do you know how long a cat lives and what it depends on?

The life expectancy of a domestic feline can vary depending on many factors, such as breed, care, diet, and environment.

Here we will tell you everything you need to know about the longevity of cats and how you can help your furry companion live longer and better.


The average age of a domestic cat is estimated between 13 and 17 years, although there are cases of cats that have exceeded 20 years.

However, this number can vary greatly depending on whether the cat is purebred or mixed, whether it is sterilized or not, whether it lives indoors or outdoors, whether it has access to veterinary care and vaccinations, and whether it receives an adequate and balanced diet. .

The race

Purebred cats usually have a shorter life expectancy than mixed breeds, because they may present genetic or hereditary problems associated with their artificial selection.

For example, Persian or exotic cats may suffer from respiratory or kidney problems, while Siamese or Abyssinian cats may suffer from neurological or dental diseases.

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For this reason, it is important to know the origin and medical history of our purebred cat and take it to the vet regularly.


Neutered cats also tend to live longer than non-sterilized cats, as they avoid the risk of diseases related to the reproductive system, such as tumors, infections, or cysts.

Also, neutered cats are less likely to run away, fight, or have accidents due to heat or territoriality.

Neutering also prevents the abandonment and overpopulation of stray cats.

house cats

Cats that live indoors have a longer life expectancy than those that live outside, since they are protected from external dangers, such as being hit by cars, fights, poisoning, falls or infectious diseases.

Cats that go outside are exposed to parasites, virus, bacteria and fungi that can affect your health and be transmitted to other animals or people. For this reason, it is essential that cats that go outside are vaccinated and dewormed correctly.


Diet is another key factor for the longevity of cats. Felines are strict carnivores and need a diet rich in animal protein and low in carbohydrates.

An inadequate diet can cause obesity, diabetes, urinary or kidney problems, among others.

The ideal is to offer our cat a quality commercial food adapted to its age, size and physiological state, and complement it with some moist or natural food occasionally.

It is also important to provide our cat with fresh and clean water and avoid giving it toxic food.

mental and emotional health

In addition to these physical factors, our cat’s mental and emotional health also influences its life expectancy.

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Cats are intelligent and sensitive animals that need stimulation, affection and security to be happy.

A bored, stressed or anxious cat can develop behavior problems or somatize their negative emotions in the form of illnesses.

For this reason, we must spend time playing with our cat, caressing it, talking to it, and providing it with an environment enriched with toys, scratching posts, hiding places, and raised areas where it can rest.

As you can see, the life expectancy of a cat depends to a large extent on the care and love that we give it.

If you want your cat to live longer and better, follow these tips and do not hesitate to consult the vet in case of any doubts or abnormal symptoms.

Remember that prevention is the best medicine for your feline friend.

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