Home » Abdominal diastasis: what are the causes and what physical exercises should be avoided in order not to make it worse

Abdominal diastasis: what are the causes and what physical exercises should be avoided in order not to make it worse

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Abdominal diastasis is very annoying and even compromising but with exercises it can be managed and controlled.

There are several pathologies that need to be dealt with, but the one that is mostly neglected is precisely the one abdominal diastasis. Real separation of lateral muscles of the abdomen, this disease mainly affects the elderly, but also men and women without distinction.

Anyone suffering from abdominal diastasis knows very well that such a situation can be visible aesthetically, prompting those affected to contact a specialist. Or even carefully ‘hidden’, sensing the first symptoms when the situation has progressed.

But what should anyone who has to do with this pathology do? Perhaps not everyone imagines this, but it would seem that there are some very useful exercises to prevent such a condition from getting worse.

Abdominal diastasis: causes and exercises to keep the situation at bay

Although it is a very common disease, not everyone knows they are suffering from diastasis recti. Most of the time, as we said earlier, they discover that they have to deal with it too late, not knowing what could happen and how to solve it.

Certainly when this is determined illness it is important to ask a specialist for information and suitable therapies. If the situation has already precipitated, the only solution is surgery to avoid repercussions.

How to avoid and not make abdominal diastasis worse (tantasalute.it)

Typically abdominal diastasis occurs after delivery when, because of the effort, this portion of tissue opens. As we said, however, men too – due to a congenital factor – can be affected. In short, in a nutshell: it is a real one muscle deficit that if it does not degenerate, it is not dangerous. Otherwise, however, it requires an even intervention. Sometimes diastasis is accentuated by posture. So it’s important to pay attention to this detail when trying to strengthen your muscles.

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Preventing or even realizing that you are suffering from abdominal diastasis is very important. When the conjunction between both abdominal muscles are missing, in fact, not only the internal structures they are exposed but with time they risk collapsing outwards.

For those who have already had the diagnosis, action can be taken to avoid worsening, for those who do not have diastasis but some cases in the family or for those who are pregnant and want to prevent its appearance, physical activity is optimal. Exercises of breathing for ten minutes a day, united with pilates and body twists continuous for at least three times a week can give an immediate and long-term benefit. Sometimes compression bands and even elastic bands are useful. Only in cases where the process is irreparably compromised is the real intervention performed, in which a containment net is inserted inside the fabrics.

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