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why it is celebrated on May 24, history and prayer to invoke its protection

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why it is celebrated on May 24, history and prayer to invoke its protection

May 24th is celebrated Day of Mary Help of Christians in honor of the Marian dedication of Mary Help of Christians, who is venerated in the Catholic Church. The history of this devotion dates back to the 19th century and is closely linked to the figure of Saint John Bosco, an Italian priest and founder of the Salesian congregation.

According to the story, in 1862, Saint John Bosco had a vision in which he saw the Virgin Mary. under the patronage of Mary Help of Christians. In this vision, the Virgin told Saint John Bosco that she would be the helper of the Church and of all Christians in difficult times.

Inspired by this vision, Saint John Bosco began to propagate devotion to Mary Help of Christians among his followers and members of the Salesian congregation. The devotion spread rapidly and became an integral part of the spirituality and mission of the Salesians.

The central tower rises 53 meters from the ground and the two sides are 37 meters high. Photo: Facebook Salesian Parish “Maria Auxiliadora” / Edisur Group

May 24 was chosen as the day of celebration due to a significant event in the history of the devotion. In 1815, Pope Pius VII, who had been a prisoner of Napoleon Bonaparte, returned to Rome in triumph and reestablished papal authority. In gratitude, the Pope declared May 24 as the day of Mary Help of Christians and promoted her worship in the Church.

Devotion to Mary Help of Christians has spread worldwide and has been recognized and promoted by various popes over the years. Mary Help of Christians is considered a protector and helper in difficulties and numerous miracles and favors are attributed to her.

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With the restrictions involved, thousands of faithful celebrate María Auxiliadora
With the restrictions involved, thousands of faithful celebrate María Auxiliadora

The Day of Mary Help of Christians is celebrated with different activities and ceremonies, such as special masses, processions, prayers and acts of devotion. The celebrations usually include the Salesian community and the faithful who have a special devotion to Mary Help of Christians.

What prayer to pray to Mary Help of Christians to invoke her protection

Saint John Bosco, a great promoter of devotion to Mary Help of Christians, wrote a special prayer to the Virgin to obtain her powerful protection.

In the text, the saint calls the Mother of God “defender of the Church” and even compares her to an army ready for battle. This is because many of the victories of Christians in the history of humanity have been attributed to the help of Mary.

Thus, for example, according to the website corazones.org, administered by the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, in 1572 Saint Pius V introduced the invocation: “Mary Help of Christians, pray for us” in the litany of the Rosary.

View of the altar of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians and the parish of San Carlos Borromeo where Jorge Mario Bergoglio was baptized.  The parish was already famous for counting among its parishioners Carlos Gardel and the blessed aboriginal Ceferino Namuncurá (EFE)
View of the altar of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians and the parish of San Carlos Borromeo where Jorge Mario Bergoglio was baptized. The parish was already famous for counting among its parishioners Carlos Gardel and the blessed aboriginal Ceferino Namuncurá (EFE)

This invocation arose after the European Christians defeated the Muslims of the Ottoman Empire on October 7, 1571 in the battle of Lepanto. According to the Salesians in Chile, the surviving soldiers spread the invocation to Mary Help of Christians.

On the other hand, in 1809 Emperor Napoleon, wanting to seize all of Europe, seized Pope Pius VII and kept him prisoner. The Pontiff promised that the day he returned free to Rome he would proclaim the feast of Mary Help of Christians. In the end, the Holy Father was released and returned triumphantly to the Eternal City on May 24, 1814.

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Don Bosco was inspired by the historical experience of the intercession of Mary and by the multiple miraculous events that he personally experienced with her help to compose the following prayer:

“Oh Mary, mighty Virgin,

You, great and illustrious defender of the Church;

You, wonderful help of Christians;

Thou terrible as an army arrayed for battle;

You alone have destroyed every heresy in the whole world;

You, in the anguish, in the struggles, in the straits

defend us from the enemy

and at the time of death

receive our soul in Paradise!”. Amen.

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