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the rice cooker

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the rice cooker

In these days of home crisis, when gas does not reach the homes where more than 10 million Colombians live, no one has wanted to curse Irene, the minister who wants to leave us without gas forever. The prayers have been to bless the rice cooker that is still electric.

This saving pot is relatively very new in Colombian kitchens. Sweating rice was taught to all of us since we were children and we couldn’t believe that a pot connected to electricity could replace the old recipe of sweating two cups of water for one cup of rice, a long onion and a clove of garlic.

I don’t know in how many families it was possible then, and today, to have a rice cooker so as not to make life more complicated, nor in how many the traditional recipe is still being made. But given the lack of gas for cooking, its presence has become miraculous because in the rice cooker, in addition to rice, so fundamental in the diet of millions of Colombians, potatoes and vegetables can be cooked and more than one soup can be made to alleviate the emergency

Of course it must be admitted as probable, more than one traditionalist withdrew, refusing to accept the modernism of the rice cooker, must still keep the old electric stove or, in the worst case, one of those portable one or two nozzles that millions of of families sent it to the trash because they allowed themselves to be convinced of the economics of natural gas and the high cost of lighting an electric stove.

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Obviously, those who do not have these relics in their inventory and have tried to go to appliance stores these days to find out in order to buy them and thus, supposedly, overcome the crisis we are experiencing, will not be able to find them.

But we all, with or without self-confidence, already know that even for ministers like Irene, who has prohibited the exploration and exploitation of gas, there will always be a rice cooker to get out of the shortcut, no matter how rude and unexpected the imbecility decreed by the ruler or the damage caused by the Cerro Bravo volcano.


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