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batons and pepper spray to handcuff her

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batons and pepper spray to handcuff her

A woman on the ground. Four local police officers who they attempt to immobilize and handcuff her using pepper spray. But also with i batonsso much so that the woman is hit several times. Also in the side and in the head, although he does not have violent attitudes towards the agents.

The amateur video

The scene, very raw, was filmed by a amateur video made from a window and quickly bounced back on social. On the case las additional prosecutor of Milan Tiziana Siciliano opened an investigation for aggravated injuries from the abuse of the public function.

The fact in the Bocconi area

According to what has been reconstructed, the video was shot in the early morning of Wednesday 24 May, around 8.15, in front of Bocconi University.

Hit several times with a truncheon

the woman, a 41 year old Brazilian transsexual, she is first knocked to the ground, then shot while sitting on the sidewalk. Behind first, with a blow to the head. Then again, still by the same agent, to the right flank while being turned away after being rendered harmless with pepper spray. In the end one last blow to the head, very violentlaunched while another officer is trying to handcuff her.

An investigation has been opened

According to what has been learned so far, the local police of Milan are carrying out «all the checks to understand what happened what are the responsibilities and therefore the measures to be taken towards the agents involved”. The command is in contact with the judicial authority “to activate the necessary actions of the judiciary”. When will the deeds of agent identification involved, the latter will be entered in the register of suspects.

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The first alarm at Trotter Park

Sulpl trade union sources, on which, however, there is no confirmation from the commander of the local police Marco Ciacci, what happened would have been preceded by an intervention in a completely different area of ​​Milan, in via Giacosa at the Trotter park. Here some parents of the pupils of the school, around 8, would have signaled the presence of the trans «in evident state of alteration psychophysics” that was annoying people and she was trying to get naked (in this article the story of some witnesses).

“He went into a rage in the car”

Once loaded with difficulty onto the patrol, which had left for the headquarters in via Pietro Custodi, more than five kilometers away, the transsexual would have started freak out in the car hitting the door. To then simulate an illness. At that point, as soon as the patrol stopped, she allegedly descended, kicking two officers (who were injured) and then fleeing before being blocked.

Batons in the side and head

What is clear, however, is what happens next with one agent in particular who hits the woman now on the ground with various beatings at critical points such as side and head. So much so that the Milan prosecutor’s office has now opened an investigation. Meanwhile, the Brazilian transsexual woman has been reported on the loose for resistance.

Sala: “Serious fact”

«It is certainly not a beautiful image, indeed it is a serious matter. However, in order to formally intervene, the Local Police must do so a relationshippending this report the firefighters in question have been placed in internal services”he reported the mayor of Milan, Beppe Salaon the sidelines of the City Council meeting. «After all this, it seems to me a really serious fact. I don’t want to say inaccurate things – added Sala – and I’m waiting to read the report, otherwise I would risk giving a generic comment and I can’t do it”.

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Ilaria Cucchi: «We will bring the case to the Chamber»

«I intend to go to the end on this matter, until all the dynamics are clarified. The perpetrators of so much violence don’t think they can get away with it”is the comment of Ilaria Cucchi, Senator of the Left Green Alliance e sister of Stefano Cucchi, killed in Rome on 22 October 2009 while in pre-trial detention. «We will take the case to the House. The images you see are very serious and should not leave you indifferent, because using i batonsespecially in that way, is prohibited – adds Cucchi – and the fact that they wear a split it does not constitute a mitigating factor, if anything an aggravating circumstance”.

De Corato: «The police did what they had to»

Per Richard De Corato, FdI parliamentarian and former deputy mayor, «the police officers in that situation they did what they had to to stop the aggression of a trans in a rage”. And he invites Sala “before condemning the agents” to listen to “the people directly concerned and, above all, the unitary union of local police workers Sulpl”. To people hit by a kick, underlines De Corato, «I address my total solidarity and I thank him very much for the precious work he does for our city».

24 maggio 2023

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