Home » Alpine skiing: FIS Congress should set a new course

Alpine skiing: FIS Congress should set a new course

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Alpine skiing: FIS Congress should set a new course

“The Austrian Ski Association has submitted a number of congress proposals, and we are confident that they will also largely receive the support of the member associations,” said ÖSV General Secretary Christian Scherer in an interview with the APA.

Some decisions had already been made in advance by the FIS Council, the association’s executive body, and communicated the evening before. The timetable for the first FIS Games 2028 was approved, as was the introduction of the new team competition in alpine skiing. As a combination of downhill or super-G with a slalom, this next season will experience its World Cup premiere in Kitzbühel. In ski jumping, the introduction of a body scanner has been fixed, women’s ski flying will be part of the World Cup calendar in the future. According to an FIS spokeswoman, all World Cup calendars should be “published by Thursday at the latest”.

APA/EXPA/Johann Groder

ÖSV General Secretary Christian Scherer hopes for sensible decisions

However, the conflict between the associations from Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Croatia and the FIS President has not yet been satisfactorily resolved. But that won’t be an issue at the congress, not least because of the online forum. “Basically, you go in hoping that it will be a quiet congress, where reasonable decisions will be made in the interests of skiing,” said Scherer.

FIS boss Eliasch as apple of discord

The four associations addressed had questioned before the Sports Court (CAS) in Lausanne that Eliasch’s re-election in May 2022 was legal. At that time there was only one candidate, Eliasch, but you could only vote for the Swede or not at all. Otherwise the votes were invalid. This resulted in a 100 percent result for Eliasch from 70 votes.

After a nine-and-a-half-hour hearing on December 5th, the federation quartet withdrew the appeal procedure in March of this year, as there had been signals that the FIS was willing to talk. There was a round table at the World Cup final in Soldeu, but not everything has been clarified. This was also indicated by ÖSV President Roswitha Stadlober about two weeks ago. The problem is still the style of the FIS boss, she said.

FIS President Johan Eliasch

GEPA/Patrick Steiner

The management style of FIS boss Johan Eliasch is a thorn in the side of many

ÖSV wants planning security

Perhaps agreeing to a whole range of ÖSV proposals can calm things down. One wishes that the calendar planning would be nine months before the start of the FIS year, which begins in July, as it used to be. “In other words, in October/November of a year, a calendar for the following year has to be adopted,” Scherer stated.

In order to improve planning security, the ÖSV is hoping for a four-year calendar at the same time. This “long-term” calendar should only be able to be changed in exceptional cases. “We have also submitted an application, with regard to the FIS World Championships, that it should be clear in the run-up to the applications what the conditions are for the event, also with regard to TV rights.” There is also a clearer regulation as to who bears certain costs he wishes.

Topics are also advertising space and series sponsorships at FIS World Cup events as well as the use of the financial reserves of the FIS. “They are primarily intended to support the national associations and, in exceptional cases, to open up new business areas.” And if they do, it should be ratified by the FIS Congress. Support for all these proposals comes from a “variety of associations”. Therefore, one is quite confident that these will also pass, believes Scherer.

Hoping for common solutions

With regard to Eliasch, Scherer “did not want to talk about a good or bad relationship”. The obstacle was cleared by walking in front of the CAS “in order to hopefully find solutions together in the spirit of skiing”. He himself communicates with the FIS General Secretary Michel Vion and his deputy Niklas Carlsson. “It’s not operational with Mr. Eliasch,” Stadlober said recently.

“I can’t say it’s worsened, I’m already seeing positive signs that things are going in the right direction. Although very slowly, but at least,” said Scherer. He hopes for the announced talks after the congress.

Later start, later end?

Do you have to push the calendar further towards April because of the climate crisis? “In this regard, well-founded analyzes and statements are needed. It cannot be denied that when beer gardens open up in certain regions of Europe, it gets warm and cyclists come out, that interest in skiing as a TV product may wane,” said Scherer.

According to Scherer, the second half of November up to and including February is the most important time. “Because there is the greatest interest there and because king football does not prevail with this intensity. Of course you can think about extending the season, but I also think that starting at the end of October makes a lot of sense, especially if you can then close the gap.”

In the past, the ÖSV has always been willing to step in as World Cup organizer at short notice. “As long as the legal situation is such that we bear the economic risk, we are completely satisfied with the options currently available to us. If this comes to a curtailment, then there will not be the willingness for short-term takeovers.”

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