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Is it beneficial to bathe daily? – The newspaper

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Is it beneficial to bathe daily?  – The newspaper

Most people choose to bathe every day; however, there are those who are against this practice for health reasons or simply to save water. A Harvard study explained whether this is good or not.

According to Robert H. Shmerling, an expert and member of the university, two thirds of the population in the United States prefer to bathe every day, while in Australia it exceeds 80%. In the case of China, half of the people stated that they only shower twice a week.

Why do people prefer to bathe every day?

Normally, these are the reasons why most people do this practice:

  • Hygiene
  • Helps keep the person awake
  • It is part of an exercise routine

Maintaining good personal hygiene and cleaning the body regularly is important for well-being. Taking a daily bath can help remove sweat, dirt, and germs from your skin, as well as keep it fresh and free of unpleasant odors.

However, when it comes to health, Shmerling claims that bathing every day has several negative impacts, especially for those with sensitive skin.

skin dryness

Bathing too frequently, especially with hot water and harsh soaps, can strip the skin of its natural oils, which can lead to dryness, flaking, and irritation.

If you have dry skin, you may want to consider limiting the length of your baths and using mild, fragrance-free cleansers.

skin irritation

Excessive use of harsh soaps or products with fragrances and harsh chemicals can irritate the skin, especially if it is sensitive. It is important to choose suitable soft items.

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Imbalance of the skin microbiome

The skin has a protective layer of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms known as the microbiome.

Excessive bathing with strong antibacterial products can upset this natural balance and affect skin health.

Dermatitis y eczema

People prone to atopic dermatitis or eczema may experience worsening of their symptoms if they bathe too frequently or use irritating products.

In these cases, it is important to follow the recommendations of a dermatologist on the frequency and the appropriate products for the bath.

How often is it good to bathe?

Shmerling cautions that while there’s no ideal frequency, people can bathe several times a week, depending on how dirty they are. You can also choose to take 3-5 minute showers with a focus on the armpits and genitals.

“If you’re like me, it can be hard to imagine skipping your daily shower. But if you do it for your health, it may be a habit worth breaking.” the expert pointed out.

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