Home » Rai, Meloni’s lunge against Annunziata and his companions: “Someone can’t measure themselves with merit”. And the controversy over the live rally breaks out

Rai, Meloni’s lunge against Annunziata and his companions: “Someone can’t measure themselves with merit”. And the controversy over the live rally breaks out

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Rai, Meloni’s lunge against Annunziata and his companions: “Someone can’t measure themselves with merit”.  And the controversy over the live rally breaks out

Rai: Meloni replies to the Annunziata, but the controversy breaks out over the center-right rally live on public TV

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni waited for the right moment to respond to Rai’s farewells. We needed an appropriate pulpit where you could speak as a party leader and not as prime minister. You did it last night in Catania, in the closing rally of the electoral campaign of the mayoral candidate supported by the centre-right, Enrico Trantino.

“If in Rai someone has to measure himself with merit and decides that he can’t make it and must compete with something else, it is not a problem we can ask ourselves”. In Meloni’s viewfinder there is Lucia Annunziatajournalist and presenter of the show “In Mezz’ora” on Rai 3, which the day before yesterday with a letter he announced his resignation in controversy with the governmentand to Fabio Fazio, presenter of Che tempo che fa, who will leave public TV to switch to Discovery.

Giorgia Meloni and the centre-right allies

“I do not intend to replace an intolerant system of power with another intolerant system of power – thundered the prime minister -. I want to free Italian culture from an intolerant system of power, in which you couldn’t work if you didn’t declare yourself part of a certain political party. I want a meritocratic and plural system that represents everyone and gives space to everyone based on the value they demonstrate and not on the membership card”.

But the rally in Catania sparked the controversy mainly due to the live broadcast by Rai news 24. According to Pd and M5s the all news channel, broadcasting the event, committed a “very serious violation of the level playing field”. For the opposition “nothing like this had ever happened”. The accusation is that “the new Rai becomes TeleMeloni”.

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The Democratic Party presented an urgent complaint to Agcom and a parliamentary question. “Never has public service fallen so low in political bias. It is regime TV”, reads the note from the dem parliamentarians of the Rai supervisory commission.

Floridia: “The Supervisory Commission will evaluate the right-wing rally on Rainews”

“I learn from the reports of various parliamentary groups that the rally organized by the center-right in support of the mayoral candidate of Catania would be broadcast live on RaiNews24. The Supervisory Commission will evaluate this case very carefully for all the relevant profiles. There could be an important violation of the level playing field and pluralism that the public service absolutely cannot afford”, announced the president of the Rai Supervisory Commission, Barbara Floridia (M5s) in a note.

Giorgia Meloni in CataniaGiorgia Meloni in Catania

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