Home » They recover a motorcycle a few minutes after it was stolen

They recover a motorcycle a few minutes after it was stolen

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27/05/2023 – 23:58 Police

The procedure was carried out on Saturday afternoon, when personnel from the prevention division of the Department of Citizen Security No. 3 learned that at an address in the Campo Contreras neighborhood a criminal act had been perpetrated for which they were constituted in the place.

In an interview, the victim reported that a motorcycle from his property had been stolen, providing at the time the characteristic data of the vehicle and the filiatory data of two males, possible perpetrators of the crime.

The search for the subjects and the vehicle in the area was immediately undertaken, work that after a few minutes yielded positive results, giving intervention to the subjects in the vicinity of Avenida Colon, barrio Coy, where they were identified with the last names Giménez, 32 years old and Ramón, 39, from the Campo Contreras and América del Sur neighborhoods sector Coywho were also preventively withheld a Fiat brand safety kit.

In those moments they were transferred to the police headquarters, from where the prosecutor on duty, Dr. Alfonso, was consulted on the temperament to follow, who ordered that both be housed in the police headquarters as apprehended, the film be seized and the corresponding minutes.

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