Home » “Bukele’s promises after 4 years of government”: José Luis Magaña

“Bukele’s promises after 4 years of government”: José Luis Magaña

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“Bukele’s promises after 4 years of government”: José Luis Magaña

This Monday in the Platform program, the economist José Luis Magaña, assured that June is a particular month in El Salvador, since the new administrations begin, and this year, the Government of President Nayib Bukele celebrates 4 years of management.

For Magaña, to date there are promises made during the campaign by President Bukele which have not been fulfilled, such as the Cuscatlán Plan.

“In the fiscal part, there is talk of taxes, public expenses, in the Cuscatlán Plan there is a part dedicated to this topic, precisely in taxation the political economy of a government can be understood”he explained.

Magaña recalled that in recent days a new law on tax incentives for the technology industry has been approved, in addition there has been an increase in the income-free base, but so far no tax reforms have been seen.

Fuel taxes were temporarily eliminated, in the context of inflation, this has been partially fulfilled since the government eliminated it for a couple of months, then reapplied it”said the economist.

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