Home » Tensions in Kosovo, Europe: “Pristina stop police operations”. China and Russia attack NATO

Tensions in Kosovo, Europe: “Pristina stop police operations”. China and Russia attack NATO

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Tensions in Kosovo, Europe: “Pristina stop police operations”.  China and Russia attack NATO

Europe asks “the authorities of Pristina to stop the police operations towards the municipal buildings in the north” and “the violent demonstrators should cease hostilities and continue the dialogue with the two leader“. From him the Kremlinin the aftermath of the tensions that erupted in Northern Kosovo – where Serb demonstrators protest against the inauguration of new ethnic Albanian mayors elected in the local vote on April 23 – blames the escalation on the forces Natowho acted in an “unprofessional” way, causing “a unnecessary violence” it’s a “escalationof the situation. The tension remains high on the border between Serbia e Kosovo and also the minister of Defense Guido Crosetto confirm that there is a “will politics to raise it”, underlining the urgency of the end of hostilities “because the border between the Kosovo and the Serbia it’s one of those dangerous places where a spark could start a fire.”

Wounded Italians – In the meantime they improve the conditions of the 14 wounded Italian soldiersall belonging to the 9th Alpini Regiment, who were transported to various KFOR medical facilities in the region. In particular, one of the soldiers was taken to the military hospital Nato specialist of Skopjeanother at the military hospital Nato Of Pristina for the treatment and investigation of the case. All the other soldiers involved – explains the ministry of Defence – were assisted at the dressing station of the Italian base of Italian village in Peja-Pec. Three gods military involved have already been declared healed and have resumed regular service.

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The protests – Meanwhile, today Serbian demonstrators gathered again this morning in front of the Town Halls of Zvecan, Zubin Stream e Leposavic to continue the protest. For now, the situation appears calm, even if a massive presence of units of the Kosovar police and soldiers of the military is evident Kfor, the NATO force in Kosovo to guard the sensitive points. According to local media, the new mayors of Of can e Zubin Stream they do not intend to reach theirs today offices in respective municipal offices but they should carry out their business in branch offices located in nearby villages. The mayor of Leposavic seems to have been stuck yesterday in the headquarters of Municipalitywhere he would spend the night. Harsh sentences of serious accidents of yesterday have also arrived in the last few hours from Eulex e Unfriendthe missions Ue e Him in Kosovo. And the cross accusations continue between Pristina e Belgradewho shoulder responsibility for the new forts on each other tensions and of the clashes in the north of the Kosovo. Last night the Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic indicated the Kosovar premier Albin Kurti and its incendiary policy e hostile to the Serbs as solely responsible for this situation, and appealed to the community international and to the countries of the Quint in particular to ‘bring to reason’ Kurti, Before it’s too late. The president of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani for his part he pointed the finger at the ‘parallel structures’ of the Serbia in the north of Kosovotransformed, according to him, into authentic ‘criminal gangs’ which are destabilizing the situation in the north.

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Borrell: “There is already enough violence in Europe” – “The EU expects the parties to behave in responsible way and pave the way for the implementation of the agreement for the normalization: I’m working to organize a high-level meeting as soon as possible”, said the high representative of EU foreign policy Joseph Borrell during the press point with the president of Montenegro Jakov Milatovichadding that “the Member States of theEuropean Union they are discussing possible measures to be taken if the parties do not take steps towards easing tensions”. In addition to reiterating the sentence to violencethe High Representative underlined that “any unilateral action must be avoided” and that “in Europa there has been and is enough violence already. Today we cannot afford another conflict: I hope my voice is heard and people act accordingly requests“, he concluded.

Russia and China against NATO – To attack the NATO forceshe defended without hesitation from EuropeThere is the Kremlin: Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated that the military Kfor they are responsible for “unnecessary violence” and an “escalation” of the situation. Then he pointed his finger at i Western countrieswho need to put an end to their “false propaganda” about Kosovoand “stop attributing accidents to Kosovo ai Serbia desperate people who peacefully, and without weapons in hand, try to defend their legitimate rights and freedoms”. The crisis also intervenes Chinesewho claims to pay “close attention to developments” and the escalation of tension between the NATO soldiers and the Serbian protesters, supporting “the efforts of Belgrade to protect his sovereignty and territorial integrity against unilateral actions taken by institutions provisional self-government a Pristina“. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said that Beijing “calls for the implementation of the obligation to establish an association/community of municipalities with a Serbian majority, urging the Nato to seriously respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the countries concerned in favor of regional peace”.

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