Home Ā» Fruits that you should definitely eat with the peel – they have amazing properties

Fruits that you should definitely eat with the peel – they have amazing properties

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Fruits that you should definitely eat with the peel – they have amazing properties

You’re throwing away the part of the fruit that has the power to keep you young and healthy: here are the mistakes you shouldn’t make anymore.

Fruits and vegetables are friends of our diet. Often in the rush to eat quick meals due to work commitments we neglect to eat fruit but this can be a big mistake. In fact, nutritionists explain how fruit and vegetables are rich in substances that keep us young and healthy and neglecting them for a tastier and faster hamburger could be wrong, especially if repeated over time.

Some fruits must be eaten with the peel ā€“ grantennistoscana.it

By now we all know that fruit is important not to neglect it but what many may not know is that even the peel of the fruit has its importance. When we bring fruit to the table, it is absolutely natural for us to peel it but in many cases this is a mistake because the peel is good for you and removing it could mean a waste in economic terms but especially throwing away a food that is precious. In fact according to experts in many fruits and vegetables the nutrients are no less present in the peel. Indeed, in many cases they are even present in higher concentrations.

In some cases the peels are rich and precious and throwing them away is a pity

In this article we will tell you what they are unpeeled fruits so as not to deprive yourself of so much nourishment easily at hand. Let’s start with the orange first. That the orange is a precious fruit for our health is absolutely known. Yet few know that orange peel even contains double the vitamins compared to the pulp.

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The orange peel is bitter but it’s good for you ā€“ grantennistoscana.it

Throwing away the peel therefore means throwing away the most part valuable and important from a nutritional point of view. The problem with orange peel is that it’s bitter. However this does not prevent us from consuming it. In fact, it can be eaten grated in salads. The salad will acquire a more decisive and particular taste and we will not throw away this healthy and nutritious food. So next time you consume salad and orange use the secret of nutritionists and consume them together in such a way that the citrus peel will not be thrown away but will really enrich the salad.

The peel of the apple

A second fruit that must be eaten with the peel is the apple. In the peel of the apple there are vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium. As for vitamin K it may surprise you to find that in the peel there is even four times as much as the pulp. Unlike the orange, in this case eating the fruit with the peel is very simple. We just need to bite into it and the game is done.

It is important to consume the apple with the peel ā€“ grantennistoscana.it

Or we can cut the apple into four wedges but standing be careful not to remove the precious peel. For some, eating apple peel seems strange and unpleasant, but simply because they are not used to it. The taste of the peel is not bad and consequently it is enough to consume it get back into our routines and in our habits. We come to the potato peel.

Potato peel: ideal for recipes

In this case we are talking about a real concentrate of important nutrients. In fact, in the potato peel there are iron, magnesium, calcium and vitamin B6. Even in the peel there is 90% of the iron contained in the whole tuber and throwing it away would be absurd.

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The potato with its skin allows you tasty recipes ā€“ grantennistoscana.it

An interesting recipe for consuming unpeeled potatoes is that of potatoes stuffed with bacon and mushrooms. It can be made by cooking the unpeeled potatoes in the oven for an hour and then making a cross on them with a knife. At this point, fill it with bacon and sautƩed mushrooms and the result is particularly delicious. By getting used to eating potatoes with all their skins, perhaps even with the help of this or other recipes, you will really fill up on substances that are good for your health.

Kiwi and banana

Can be surprising but even the kiwi peel shouldn’t be thrown away. It is an edible peel and has twice as much fiber as the pulp. As a result it can be washed and eaten somewhat as if it were a peach. It may seem a little strange at first but your health and body will thank you.

Banana peel is also good for health ā€“ grantennistoscana.it

Another fruit whose peel is surprisingly edible and also beneficial is the banana. If you try to taste the banana with all the peel you will find that it is good and is rich in vitamins and fibres. Obviously before doing this the banana must be thoroughly washed and must also be ripe to the right point.

Incorporating this type of consumption of fruit and vegetables with peel into your routine will have a beneficial effect on your health and will also allow you not to waste. Obviously, however, not all fruit can be eaten with the peel and we advise you to do so only for the fruits that we have expressly listed.

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