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“We see tail infections, especially in young people”

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“We see tail infections, especially in young people”

In the studies of family doctors “we still see a ‘tail’ of Sars-CoV-2 infections. And it is above all young people who are infected, demonstrating that the elderly continue to protect themselves more”. To tell beraking latest news Salute it is Silvestro Scotti, national secretary of the Federation of general practitioners (Fimmg)which comments on the data of the weekly Covid monitoring of the Istituto Superiore di SanitĆ  (ISS)-Ministry of Health control room and gives an overview of the most frequent requests in general medicine clinics.

“We still have many cases of Covid and flu – he underlines – albeit in a more manageable context than the emergency we experienced. Sars-CoV-2 infections, although they continue to be considered with great attention, especially with respect to the type of patient (frail, elderly, chronic), are managed more easily”. Also because most of the cases “that we see – Scotti specifies – concern young people who have resumed social life and are beginning to forget the rules of protection, such as washing their hands or not going to too crowded places. The elderly are rarely infected”.

Compared to the past, in this period, “when in the pre-Covid era there was a reduction in acute respiratory diseases – recalls the Fimmg secretary – the work in our studies continues to be very intense. Viral problems overlap with allergies of season, which are also increasing due to climate change which alters the pollination of plants and causes the presence of previously unknown species in the area.We also see older people, with no history of allergies, suddenly presenting allergic symptoms. it is also a presence of the flu that circulates together with many parainfluenza forms. The important thing, in these cases, is to distinguish the viral forms from the bacterial ones to avoid the inappropriate use of antibiotics”.

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