Home » More than 90% of citizens support the management of President Bukele

More than 90% of citizens support the management of President Bukele

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More than 90% of citizens support the management of President Bukele

According to the results of the recent one carried out by the Center for Research, Social and Economic Studies of Central America (CIESCA), the President of the Republic, Nayib Bukele, closes his fourth year in office and begins the fifth with 91.78% approval by part of the citizens.

“With 91.78% approval, the population of El Salvador approves the administration of President Nayib Bukele, thus becoming the best-evaluated president in the country’s history four years after the start of his administration,” added Raisa Hernández Guerra, director of CIESCA .

This result ratifies the data previously published by other polling houses, such as CID Gallup, which on January 26 announced that eight out of 10 citizens approved of the work of the Salvadoran president, highlighting his management in addressing security, the pandemic, the education and the creation of sources of employment.w

In September 2022, CID Gallup published another survey in which it indicated that nine out of 10 Salvadorans supported the security actions promoted by the president, such as the Territorial Control Plan (PCT) and the emergency regime, to combat gangs.

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