Home » $50 million for information on rancher kidnapping

$50 million for information on rancher kidnapping

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$50 million for information on rancher kidnapping

In the Extraordinary Security Council, the authorities agreed to implement new security strategies that allow the rescue of the 87-year-old rancher and lawyer Sanín Mena, kidnapped near his farm, in the village of Montecitos, municipality of Río de Oro, Cease.

The search plan extends to Catatumbo, where the captors allegedly took him. For this reason, the Cesar authorities work together with the public forces of Norte de Santander, to locate the rancher safe and sound.

Similarly, the Government of Cesar offers a reward of up to 50 million pesos for information that allows the capture of the kidnappers and locate Sanín Mena, reported Eduardo Esquivel, Departmental Government Secretary.

As will be remembered, Mena was approached by armed men when he arrived at the farm he owned, aboard a truck and they took him to an unknown destination. The vehicle was located by the abandoned authorities in the rural area.

In this case, three people are in captivity in the department of Cesar: Amalia Arroyo Arrieta, kidnapped in the rural area of ​​Tamalameque in March, for which case they offer a reward of up to 40 million pesos; and Heriberto Urbina, 76, who was kidnapped on April 22 in the municipality of Curumaní. For this fact, 50 million pesos are offered for information about the captors.

“The call is to the National Government, to the Minister of Defense, to look at Cesar, a territory that is not unrelated to what is happening in matters of public order in areas such as Cauca, Santander, Caquetá, among others. On repeated occasions we have requested an increase in the foot of force, but we have not been listened to, ”Esquivel reiterated.

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Ranchers from the south of the department of Cesar have expressed their concern about the wave of kidnappings and extortion in the territory, affecting many ranchers from Ocaña.

“You can no longer visit the land, because we are easy prey for the kidnappers that abounded, so we have to stay in the houses or travel camouflaged in other vehicles to avoid being recognized,” said a local rancher.

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