Home » Drama Mediaset: “Still in intensive care”

Drama Mediaset: “Still in intensive care”

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Drama Mediaset: “Still in intensive care”
Mediaset, drama on tv_metropolinotizie

Mediaset shocked by the drama involving one of its protagonists: the situation was immediately serious.

Cologno Monzese’s goals had a bad time after the very serious accident happened to one of its protagonists.

No one ever expected what happened and the rush to the hospital with the next hospitalization in intensive care.

Let’s try to find out what happened in detail and the current health conditions of the beloved protagonist of the Mediaset networks (and not only).

Mediaset upset: the facts

It is not the first time that one of the protagonists of the Mediaset networks has accused Health problems during broadcasts. Usually, every character linked to a television network can enjoy the support of a doctor, who is always present in the studios or within programs that also include connections with the outside world. And on this occasion, theintervention of a specialist it was fundamental for the recovery of one of the characters of the Canale 5 shows.

It all happened during the night and no one would have ever imagined what happened and which strongly shook the conductors and all the insiders. The situation was kept secret for several hours, then it was decided to talk about it live to explain to viewers what happened and the reasons that led top management and production to take a decision drastic but appropriate choice.

Paolo Noise at The Island of the Famous
Paolo Noise at The Island of the famous_metropolinotizie

The dramatic tale

Il drama that hit Mediaset in particular, it concerns one of the great protagonists of this edition of L’Isola dei fame, the radio host Paolo Noise. As announced in the latest episode of the reality show, he was forced to retire due to a health problem that made his stay in Honduras impossible. “I had a very important blood pressure peak – 160 out of 110 – presumably due to dehydration and then compensated – he told Radio 105 microphones -. I was lying on a beach in the dark at night, 40 minutes away by boat from the first medical center, they immediately came to get me, it was very heavy stuff even for Marco who got scared and worried a lot”.

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L’medical intervention was essential. “They stabilized me, then the helicopter arrived at night, with the rain, it took me first to a medical center, then again in the hospital in intensive care. In forty minutes I took two helicopters, two different doctors did two stabilizations. As soon as I arrive in Milan I will have to make a coupon that has already been booked ”, explained Noise who will have to follow a lifelong treatment. “Let’s say that from now on a few things in my life will have to change, but this will allow me to have many other adventures, to be with my wife for a very long time. I really had a bad time ”, she concluded.

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