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Three habits for a healthy body | Magazine

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Three habits for a healthy body |  Magazine

Dr. Dušan Vešović discovered three golden rules that would make us feel healthy and satisfied with our appearance!

Source: TV K1/Screenshot

During the summer days, we all get the desire to bring our figure to perfection, so we often opt for fast diets, which can lead to an imbalance in our body. Doctor Dušan Vešović explains in the show “Uranak” on TV K1, what are the healthy habits that will improve our health and whether probiotics can help in regulating nutrition.

“We need to have continuity, which provides us with a good metabolism, and therefore good health and a perfect appearance during 12 months. The organism likes rhythmicity and rituals, it does not like surprises. People often make mistakes, because during cold days they eat various foods, and then in the summer, they suddenly throw them out and switch to drinks like juices, which is also not good. Vegetable juices are also good for detoxing the body, but fruit juices are a shock bomb, full of fructose and lactose, which raises our insulin a lot, and therefore later it can also lead to hypoglycemia. Those shocks are not good for the body. That’s why I point out that we should take care of ourselves for 12 months, because obesity is a risk factor for many diseases,” explains Dr. Vešović and adds that probiotics they can help in regulating the metabolism, but they should not be taken on their own!

He adds that, according to research by the European Institute for Dietetics and Micronutrition in Paris, the digestive tract is considered the second brain of our body. Between the central nervous system and the digestive tract there are hundreds of millions of neurons, which communicate and send information from the brain to the digestive tract and vice versa. As much as 95 percent of our serotonin, the hormone of happiness, which plays a role in the nervous system, is created in the digestive tract.

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“If we have a disturbed flora, the so-called microbiota, we will have neither good digestion nor good absorption of nutrient molecules, we will be tired after eating, we will be bloated, we will have gas, we will not have enough energy, but our metabolism will also be poor, so we will to deposit kilograms as well. In that case, probiotics are important, which will solve that dysbiosis, i.e. the disruption of the microbiota in the digestive tract, so we won’t have gas and flatulence. However, in addition to the use of probiotics, we have to correct the way we eat. There are differences in probiotics and by no means should they be taken on their own.Some supplements will not work the same for everyone, so I advise against take with the recommendation of a doctor or nutritionist“, says the doctor and claims that probiotics cannot have a harmful effect on the body.

Source: Unsplash/ Brooke Lark

“They cannot possibly be harmful to the body, because they are healthy microorganisms, which are found in our digestive tract, and therefore, if there is a microbiota disorder, they must return it to normal. They remain in the digestive tract for a while, until that intestinal flora improves on its own. Again I emphasize that we have to correct our diet. All this fast food does not prebiotics. Prebiotics are fibers found in salads, apples. Everything that the body cannot digest and use as nutrients remains in the intestines with them and is a good source for good and healthy microorganisms that live in us.”

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Chronic fatigue, leg swelling, insomnia, are symptoms that most people feel due to an unhealthy diet. Dr. Dušan Vešović points out that the health formula is crucial for the recovery of the body.

“Nutrition, physical activity and sleep are the main formula of health. The last meal is best to have between 19 and 20 hours, because then we have enough time to digest food. Before going to sleep, it is best to read a book, in order to erase all negative thoughts, and perhaps the most important thing is to go to bed no later than 11 pm. At that time, the body begins to produce melatonin, which leads us to a deep sleep. It will enable us to defend against infections,” says Dr. Vešović and reveals three healthy habits that can contribute to improving our health.

“We need to introduce good habits into our life, and that’s it to drink 30 ml of water per kilogram, to have three meals during the day, but to know when to take them, and to go to bed between 10 and 11 p.m.hours, so that by noon they would already be asleep. With the help of these three things, you will already feel the improvement of your health condition,” he concluded.


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