Home » Basketball, championship semi-final: Virtus Bologna beats Tortona

Basketball, championship semi-final: Virtus Bologna beats Tortona

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Basketball, championship semi-final: Virtus Bologna beats Tortona

In game 3 of the semi-final, Derthona saves their honor with an excellent game but can’t hold a candle to the Bolognese

Tortona-Virtus Bologna 82-89 (series 0-3)

Virtus reaches Olimpia and the final will be the same as a year ago. The two battleships mark the same trend in their respective semi-finals, both winning 3-0. Derthona tries to avenge the heavy defeats at the Segafredo Arena but in the second half Bologna returns to a high level and also wins the match in Casale Monferrato. Without Christon injured in his foot, Derthona nonetheless started perky, trying a first extension on 7-4 and then the partial 6-0 in mid-quarter with which they moved up to 16-10 thanks to a triple from Macura, after which from distance, Bellinelli canceled the first lead at 11-10. The new signing Hunt starts for the first time in the quintet, positive in his debut at the Segafredo Arena, directed by Candi at the start. Scariolo immediately relies on Belinelli and a quintet of centimeters and kilos with Hackett, Cordinier, Shenghelia and Jaiteh, forced to stay out for about ten minutes in the 7th minute due to a blow to the nose. Teodosic takes over and in the 8th minute puts in a triple that reduces the gap to 3 points. The pace is low but the inventions of the Serbian guard open up opportunities for the basket as assists for Mickey. The prowess of Abass and the free throws of Harper, who returned after a rest due to aches and pains, fix the 26-21 at the end of the quarter.

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Compared to the weak Derthona seen at the Segafredo Arena, there is now a more toned and convinced team and at the same time Virtus plays with less fire but always with a certain quality in the individuals and in circulation. Less than the black and whites shoot from 3, 5/10 attempts in the middle of the second quarter from distance, with two bombs from Candi, amazing with 15 points perhaps remembering that he grew up in Fortitudo, and one from Radosevic. And the energy of the bianconeri also increases in defense, where Virtus finds blocks and closures of the gates made with great attention and intensity and Tortona manages to extend by 15 points, 41-26 in the 15th minute and 48-33 with a magnificent triple by Daum in the 18th minute. The pace does not decrease despite the free throws and we go to the break 55-39. A much more determined and tough Virtus returns from the locker room, capable of a 0-10 in 2’30” led by Hackett, while Tortona does not see the basket for 4’30”. The team maneuver on which Belinelli serves Hackett for the triple to make it 64-60 in the 27th minute is beautiful, immediately after Mickey blocks Hunt’s 3-point shot. Radosevic triples with 30” to go, but Belinelli puts in a high-quality one and establishes a personal best. And on the siren he puts -4 of an amazing quarter for the black Vs, 70-66. 1′ is enough for Virtus to match Mickey with a tie 70-70, in the line Mickey puts Bologna ahead for the first time, 72-73 and Cordinier makes the first +3 from mid-range. Tortona becomes imprecise and rushes to the basket, Belinelli triples for +6, 72-78 in the 33rd minute. Daum’s 3 game gives some oxygen, mid period 79-82. Tortona gets loaded with fouls and soon returns to +6 only with free throws: Virtus’s comeback is unshakeable and Virtus wins 82-89, Derthona remains the honor of war but without the satisfaction of at least lengthening the series.

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Tortona: Daum 17, Candi 15, Macura 14 Bologna: Hackett 22, Belinelli and Shengelia 11

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