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The Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial Party Committee held a meeting. Lou Yangsheng presided over and delivered a speech- Xinhua Net Henan Channel

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  The Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial Party Committee held a meeting

Research on auditing, construction of a strong education province, river sand mining management, etc.

Lou Yangsheng hosted and delivered a speech

On June 2, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, study auditing, build a strong province through education, strengthen theoretical study, and river sand mining management. Provincial Party Secretary Lou Yangsheng presided over and delivered a speech.

The meeting deeply studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the first meeting of the 20th Central Audit Committee and the fifth collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to take a quasi-political direction, deeply understand the political attributes and functions of auditing, continuously improve the ability of the party to lead audit work, and accelerate the construction of a centralized, unified, comprehensive coverage, authoritative and efficient audit supervision system; focus on the main responsibility and main business, Focusing on anchoring the “two guarantees” and in-depth implementation of the “Ten Strategies”, based on the positioning of economic supervision, strengthen procedural and penetrating audit supervision, so as to achieve all audits, investigations, and reforms; Governance Build an integrated effort to unify the treatment of existing diseases with prevention of preventive diseases, current treatment and long-term management, and see results when seeing people and things; expand the application of results, strengthen the coordination of audit supervision and other supervision, and achieve multiple items in the first instance , review and reform, and treat both symptoms and root causes; improve professional capabilities, take the opportunity of carrying out theme education and audit team education and rectification, shape professionalism, and build an audit iron army. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to focus on building a high-quality education system, continuously adjust and optimize the layout of colleges and universities, academic colleges, and professional settings, strengthen the “double first-class” construction and “second echelon” cultivation of Zhengzhou University and Henan University, build a modern vocational education system, and promote compulsory education. High-quality and balanced development of education and integration of urban and rural areas will accelerate the construction of a strong education province.

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The meeting communicated and studied the spirit of the first meeting of the 20th National Security Committee of the Central Committee, pointing out that it is necessary to firmly establish the overall national security concept, enhance the awareness of urgency, establish limit thinking, carry forward the spirit of struggle, improve the ability to fight, improve the national security system, and strengthen the maintenance of national security. Ability, promote the coordination and efficiency of systems and mechanisms, strengthen the full implementation of work responsibilities, accelerate the construction of a new security pattern, and ensure high-quality development with high-level security.

The meeting conveyed the spirit of learning from the relevant meetings of the Central Committee. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the great significance of the publication of the first and second volumes of “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works”, work hard on setting an example, applying what you have learned, and publicizing and explaining, comprehensively and systematically study, integrate knowledge, combine knowledge and action, and promote Xi Jinping The thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era enters the mind, heart, and soul, and sees things and sees them in action. The meeting emphasized that the province’s political and legal system must temper political loyalty, adhere to the spirit of the rule of law, focus on maintaining overall social stability, achieve essential security, improve capabilities, forge a political and legal iron army, and provide a strong legal guarantee for the construction of modern Henan.

The meeting studied the management of sand mining in the province’s rivers, and pointed out that we must resolutely shoulder political responsibilities, continue to maintain a high-pressure situation, strengthen legal sand mining and standard management, accelerate the construction of the rule of law and information technology, and grasp the small early and often the fine , continuously improve the ecological environment, and enhance the satisfaction and happiness of the people.

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The meeting also studied other matters. (Reporter Feng Yun Ma Tao)

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