Home » Pupil Slicer – Blossom

Pupil Slicer – Blossom

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Pupil Slicer – Blossom

(c) Gobinder Jhitta

Landed seemingly out of nowhere Pupil Slicer in spring 2021 a direct hit with “Mirrors”, a chaotic and hypnotic work about trauma and personal problems. The trio from London doesn’t want to get rid of this completely, but the boundaries in terms of content are becoming increasingly blurred. Kate Davies embeds biographical themes in a concept album with sci-fi and horror traits, while daring even more musically. “Blossom” has become a descent into hell of wholesome madness.

The pure, unpolished intensity with which “Momentary Actuality” almost bursts out of the speakers is overwhelming and threatens to be overwhelming. Pupil Slicer present explosiveness in its purest form and continue to strive for technically adept Deathgrind with math characteristics, which also makes room for catchy moments. The short, gripping refrain with clear vocals disturbs and fascinates in equal parts. In “No Temple” samples initially lead on the wrong Nu-Metal track, before the rough dulcimer reveals a no less broken, crazy track at the absolute limit. The British trio reaches out courageously, plays with beatdown elements, and later becomes more and more shrill and aggressive.

However, the last three tracks paint a completely different picture. While “Language Of The Stars” is more of an extensive ambient interlude, “Dim Morning Light” plays with fairy-like, almost folk-like reduction and semi-balladesque structures in places. Only in the second half does some dirt and anger come along, provided with an oppressive atmosphere and yet always leading back to the deceptive beauty of the moment. The concluding “Blossom”, on the other hand, builds such concepts into a conventional Pupil Slicer song – can one actually speak of ‘conventional’ here? – and couples thick chaos with alternative chic and anthemic Bravado. On the other hand, the eight-minute “The Song At Creation’s End” tries the absolute math and core madness, keeps turning the wheel completely and searches for the saving melody anchor in between.

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Pretty strong stuff, this second album. Pupil Slicer completely let go of whatever was holding them back and screwed up the chaos factor to almost unbearable heights. “Blossom” is louder, wilder and more unpolished, but at the same time much more catchy, progressive and precise. In this contradiction three quarters of an hour of music builds up, which even teaches the jack of all trades to fear. Brutal Deathgrind, bulky Mathcore, but also Progressive Metal, Metalcore and some Alternative or Art Rock somehow come together. Of course, the second of the Londoners has to be worked out first, but it’s definitely worth it.

Rating: 8/10

Available from: 02.06.2023
Available through: Prosthetic Records (Cargo Records)

Website: pupilslicer.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pupilslicer

Tags: blossom, death metal, grindcore, mathcore, pupil slicer, review

Category: Magazin, Reviews

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