Home » Goodbye bloating: with these foods you’ll be a figure in a few days without giving up anything | The turning point has come

Goodbye bloating: with these foods you’ll be a figure in a few days without giving up anything | The turning point has come

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Goodbye bloating: with these foods you’ll be a figure in a few days without giving up anything |  The turning point has come
Abdominal swelling.IFood.it

Say goodbye once and for all to swelling? Thanks to these simple tips you can face the costume test in peace and in no time.

With the warm season approaching, not only do we try to have more precautions about our health but we also think about how to be in shape for the famous costume test. This actually scares several people, who in a few months, have to consider being able to get back in shape in a very short time.

This also applies to swelling that just won’t go away. Bloating – especially abdominal swelling – is a disorder that can cause considerable discomfort or discomfort. There are many people who have faced this situation at least once in their life, and the causes can vary.

Often it is also just digestive disorders while other times the matter can be a little more serious – it is always good to have the opinion of a doctor in these cases -. Regardless of the cause, abdominal swelling can have a huge impact on lifestyle but also on its quality, limiting daily activities.

Fortunately, there are some very simple tips that will ‘remedy’, or rather, help you manage swelling better. Also because you know, behind a healthy and balanced life there are two very important things: nutrition and sport. Here’s everything you need to know.

The importance of proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential to maintain an optimal state of health for our body. Also because eating healthy foods ensures the supply of essential nutrients that our body needs to function properly.

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These nutrients include vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, minerals and fiber. Each nutrient has a specific role in the body and with a correct diet, excellent functioning is expected, as balanced and healthy as possible. Also for this reason, understanding the diet that is right for us is very important. Do you have swelling problems? Eat these foods.

How to reduce swelling
How to reduce swelling. IFood.it

How to reduce swelling

In the diet, to try to reduce swelling it would be advisable to integrate foods rich in fiber. They are wholemeal bread, barley, oats, quinoa, kiwi, apples, raspberries and carrots. It is also recommended to prefer non-carbonated and/or sugary drinks. Better to opt for herbal teas or simple water.

Preferring foods rich in probiotics can be a valid solution: yogurt, for example, helps the intestinal flora and reduces swelling. Obviously, if one is lactose intolerant, what can be advised is not to consume foods that contain it. An effective way to avoid abdominal bloating.

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