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Here are 10 anti-stress foods to always have at home: they fight nervous hunger and are healthy

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Here are 10 anti-stress foods to always have at home: they fight nervous hunger and are healthy

Counteracting stress and nervousness is possible thanks to some foods that should never be missing in the pantry of each of us

Always be careful never to underestimate nervous hunger symptoms. Behavior that is often triggered by some sensations that make us feel uncomfortable, such as anxiety and insomnia for example. If we don’t take care of ourselves adequately, we can face some unpleasant pathologies, one of these could be neurosis.

Foods against nervousness, 10 anti-stress foods ā€“ Grantennistoscana.it

This will consequently lead us to a lowering of mood until we face depression. It is possible to counter all this choosing to adopt a healthy lifestyle accompanied by a balanced diet. Some foods can be allies against nervous hunger and against everything that goes with it.

In this list we have tried to suggest ten foods that are good for mood. Each of them, if assimilated correctly, can help us regulate stress levels by forever changing our daily approach to life. Because a healthy body cannot do without an equally healthy mind.

Ten anti-stress foods: which are the best allies for a good mood

    Chocolate is probably one of the tastiest foods you can have in your pantry. In addition to being particularly appreciated for its flavour, this sweet is also able to have important effects on mood. Thanks to some substances present in it such as tryptophan and theobromine, it manages to increase our levels of seratonin making us calmer and more relaxed.

    Ten foods against stress, which are the allies of a good mood ā€“ Grantennistoscana.it

    ā€œGo in jujube brothā€ is a typical way of saying that means going out of self from contentment. This is because this fruit has in its chemical composition some substances that act directly on certain areas of the brain which, when activated, contribute to make us feel in a state of well-being. This food is particularly used in traditional Chinese medicine.
  3. AVENA
    In addition to regulating blood cholesterol levels and being good for the intestines, this cereal is also capable of releasing important substances which dopaminergic effect on our body. This helps us feel better in terms of mood. Furthermore, among the foods present in nature, it is also among those that contain the most melatonin. Hormone that helps us fall asleep better.
    Consuming pumpkin in adequate quantities can prove to be a panacea for the body, thanks to its natural antioxidants. But that’s not all because this vegetable is also particularly rich in mineral salts which are essential for our daily sustenance. Some act from real antidepressants and anxiolytics. In addition, pumpkin is also good for the eyes.
    Just like the pumpkin, its flowers also contain various vitamins that have antioxidant effects. All substances that help us control stress levels ea make us feel more relaxed. This food, in addition to being particularly appreciated in the kitchen, has nutrients that help the immune system protect itself from disease.

    Other foods that fight nervousness: impossible to do without them

    The first and only dairy product on this list of foods that are good for mood is ricotta. In addition to being good for the heart and preventing some stroke diseases, ricotta counteracts free radicals and regulate blood pressure levels. This in itself would be a great reason to never miss it. However, this product is also particularly effective when it comes to releasing emotional tension.

    Foods that are good for mood, which are the best ā€“ Grantennistoscana.it

    Almonds are undoubtedly among the snacks most loved by sportsmen. Thanks to their properties capable of regulating the levels of fat in the blood. This popular dried fruit also allows you to assimilate some mineral salts they help us relax and fall asleep better. Its omega-3s are infallible allies when it comes to preventing depression.
    Without a doubt, saffron is one of the most loved spices out there. Both for its flavor and for its more than 150 substances that help the human body produce seratonin and dopamine. In this way it helps us fight nervousness making us feel more relaxed than usual. Perfect to combine with a good plate of meal or rice, in which case it can also reconcile our sleep.
    Of all this shopping list of foods that can’t be missing at home for those who want to say goodbye to nervousness, valerian could not fail to be mentioned. Famous throughout the world precisely for its calming qualities. This vegetable is a real natural sedative, a perfect ally for those who want to counteract agitation, anxiety and even sleep disorders.
    After the ricotta, there is room for another milk derivative. It’s hard to imagine eating it with a teaspoon like its closest relative. However, there are those who avoid it completely in the kitchen when in reality if taken in the right doses it can give us a big hand if we need regulate stress levels. In Ayurvedic medicine it is mainly used because it helps to keep concentration high.
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