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The soft blow against Petro

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The soft blow against Petro

This week the alerts went off before a soft coup against the government of change and its bench in the Congress of the Republic, before the latest events that have marked the country’s political agenda in recent weeks and that undoubtedly generate an alert. The soft coup is a political destabilization technique that seeks to affect the power structure and institutional balance of a country, through a discreet and gradual execution, without the use of force or direct violence.

Sanctions to the congressmen of the pact that ultimately affect the voting of the reforms that we are preparing and a clear media agenda with disinformation that seeks to incite the masses against events that did not even happen as they say and that the only thing that ends up is deforming reality.

In Latin America, cases abound, especially against progressive governments. One of the best-known cases is that of Lugo in Paraguay, in which the president left the Palacio de López after an express political trial marked by media pressure that ended up distorting the reality of the events. Or the case of Venezuela in 2019, in which the opposition led by Juan Guaidó declared itself interim president with the support of the United States and other countries; In the same year, in Bolivia, President Evo Morales resigned after a combination of internal and external pressure, including a media campaign against him.

In Colombia, we are facing a fierce smear campaign by a sector of the press in which the desire for the scoop and a clear political agenda on the part of some media want to create a sense of chaos and crisis in the face of a government that is working consistently with its proposal and development plan for the change and to comply with the territories.

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It is clear that there is persecution of the sector of progressivism that we represent and that our interest in society, in returning the land to those who work it and not to large landowners, for a more equitable health system and not one in which business of a few, and for a labor reform that returns the rights to workers and not only think about the profits of the employer, have a sector of society quite alert and trying by all means to generate uncertainty.

We are sure that the attempts of that extremist and desperate right will not pass because today we have an active and informed citizenry that does not swallow it whole and that feels represented by a political project that respects their rights and freedoms. We will continue working so that the change you won at the polls reaches the territories with social justice and equity.

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