Home » Sardinia at risk of the yellow zone: critical threshold for intensive care

Sardinia at risk of the yellow zone: critical threshold for intensive care

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Sardinia at yellow risk. The island, which has seen the occupancy of beds by Covid-19 patients in intensive care units progressively increase, has reached – according to the latest data from the Agency for Health Services (Agenas) – the threshold critical of 10% (it was 1% in mid-July) and, if it exceeds this percentage, it would pass into the ‘yellow zone’ according to the new parameters for the color change of the Regions, contained in the latest Covid decree which will come into force on 6 August. The saturation of the wards does not depend only on the absolute number of hospitalized, but also on the reception capacity: Sardinia has 196 places in intensive care; yesterday there were 19 patients, so even just one entrance is enough to overcome the critical threshold. And it will be enough – according to the new decree – to overcome only one of the parameters (incidence, ordinary hospitalizations and intensive care) to pass into the yellow zone. As for the rate of admissions in non-critical areas, the island currently marks (Agenas data are updated last night) a 5% occupancy, far from the 15% set as the maximum threshold. After Sardinia, the regions in which the employment of intensive care is highest are Liguria at 6%, Lazio and Sicily at 5%, and Tuscany at 4%. All the others are equal to or below the national average of 3%.

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